International competitions
The European Alliance for Innovation and Sustainability Education in Welfare, Nature, and Tourism - WeNaTour
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-ALL-INNO - 101111561
- UNITBV Coordinator: Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN
- UNITBV Role: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
- Discover the Project
Cultural Heritage Outreach in RomAnce Languages - CHORAL
- Type of project: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND-01-01 101126643
- UNITBV Coordinator: Cătălin ALEXANDRU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2029
Nature-Based Solutions for Demonstrating Climate-Resilient Critical Infrastructure - NATURE-DEMO
- Type of project: HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01- 101157448
- UNITBV Coordinator: Luminița ANDRONIC
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2028
ACMI - Automotive Computing for Mobility Innovation
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU- 2024-EMJM-DESIGN
- UNITBV Coordinator: Csaba ANTONYA
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2026 European Cybersecurity Seminars
- Type of project: European Cyber Conflict Research Incubator CIC (ECCRI CIC)
- UNITBV Coordinator: Titus BĂLAN
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2026
Engineers Communicating and Collaborating Internationally for the Green Transition - ECO-GT
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220 – ADU 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000165199
- UNITBV Coordinator: Anca BÂRSAN
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2027
Post-quantum Digital Signature using Verkle Trees
- Type of project: NATO-SPS G7394
- UNITBV Coordinator: Răzvan BOCU
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2025
Single item identification for forest production, protection and management - SINTETIC
- Type of project: HORIZON - CL6-2022- CIRBIO - 101082051
- UNITBV Coordinator: Stelian BORZ
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2027
Sustainable multifunctional management by small forest owners in support of bioeconomy, biodiversity and climate - Small4Good
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL6-2023-CircBio /101135517
- UNITBV Coordinator: Stelian BORZ
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2027
Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy - CirCLER
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO 101157448
- UNITBV Coordinator: Luminița BRENCI
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
On-Wheels summer school for the socio-cultural evolution of the European Values, Principles, Identity and Awareness (EUROPIA)
- Programul: ERASMUS + / KA2 / 2022-1-PL01- KA220-HED-000086334
- UNITBV Coordinator: Arabela BRICIU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2022-2025
Civil engagement, integration and better management of the national intangible heritage to raise awareness of European common values – EU context, perspectives and active citizenship - INThrace
- Programul: ERASMUS+-KA220-HED-2023/ 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-00015
- UNITBV Coordinator: Arabela BRICIU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Enhancement of the competences and possibilities for religious tourism development and for better integration and management of religious sites in the urban environment – ReligiTour
- Programul: ERASMUS+ KA220-HED 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000156074
- UNITBV Coordinator: Arabela BRICIU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Unita Universitas Montium - UNITA
- Programul: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV-1 -101124853
- UNITBV Coordinator: Carmen BUZEA
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2027
Multi-hazard low-carbon resilient technologies and multi-scale digital services for a future-proof, sustainable & user-centred built environment - MULTICARE
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-01- 101123467
- UNITBV Coordinator: Romulus COSTACHE
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2028
Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Changemaking to Shape, Protect and Maintain the Resilience of Tomorrow’s Forests -eco2adapt
- Programul: Horizon 2020 - eco2adapt - 101059498
- UNITBV Coordinator: Lucian Alexandru CURTU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Perioada de implementare: 2022-2027
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees / Learning Mobility of Individuals
- Type of project: 610532-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB
- UNITBV Coordinator: Lucian Alexandru CURTU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2019-2025
Scalable Platform for Innovations on Real-time Immersive Telepresence - SPIRIT
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01 101070672
- UNITBV Coordinator: Gabriel DANCIU
- Rol UNITBV: Experi-mentator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2025
Planetary Health Education In Prescribing - PlanEd
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220 – HED - 2023-1-NL01-KA220-HED-000166537
- UNITBV Coordinator: Lorena DIMA
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Supporting European R&I Through stakeholder collaboration and institutional reform - INITIATE
- Type of project: HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-03 / 101136775
- UNITBV Coordinator: Anca DUȚĂ
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2027
iSINK - Testing the replacement of trees regenerated from vegetative shoots with trees regenerated from seeds as a measure to improve forest carbon sink
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL6-2022- CLIMATE - 01
- UNITBV Coordinator: Ioan DUTCĂ
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2026
Integrated urban FOOD policies – developing sustainable Co-benefits, spatial Linkages, social Inclusion and sectoral Connections to transform food systems in city-regions - FOODCLIC
- Type of project:HORIZON-CL6-2021-COMMUNITIES-01-05 / 101060717
- UNITBV Coordinator: Liviu GACEU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2022-2027
Experiential Learning tools to obtain supply chain competences - SMARTER
- Type of project:Erasmus + KA220-HED 2022-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000086152
- UNITBV Coordinator: Liviu GACEU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2025
Modernizing master programs to support forest sector transformation towards Ukraine’s post-war green rebuilding - ForestPost
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-2 101179074
- UNITBV Coordinator: Aureliu HĂLĂLIȘAN
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Romanian Excellence Center on Artificial Intelligence in Earth Observation Data for Agriculture - AI4AGRI
- Type of project:HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03 / 101079136
- UNITBV Coordinator: Mihai Laurențiu IVANOVICI
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2022-2025
Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Network - SEEN
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220-HED
- UNITBV Coordinator: Mihai Laurențiu IVANOVICI
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Challenges Solving in Cybersecurity Study Program
- Type of project: ERASMUS KA220-HED 2024-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000252504
- UNITBV Coordinator: Csaba Zoltán KERTÉSZ
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Romania-China Bilateral Development Agreement - Confucius Institute
- Type of project: 18665/2011
- UNITBV Coordinator: Adrian LĂCĂTUȘ
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2011-2025
Reforming Undergraduate Education for GReen and Sustainable Development in Armenia and MolDova - RE-GRAD
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-3 / 101128817
- UNITBV Coordinator: Simona LACHE
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2026
EnhaNcing MEchanical Engineering EDUcation in Moldova for Industry 4.0 - NEEDEDU4.0
- Type of project:ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2 /101128623
- UNITBV Coordinator: Simona LACHE
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2026
Reforming teacher education towards green and digital transition in Mongolia – RETEACH
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-3101179222
- UNITBV Coordinator: Simona Lache
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2026
Entrepreneurs’ well-being and mental health in a crisis_EntrepWellbeing
- Type of project: 2023-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000151300
- UNITBV Coordinator: Florin LEAȘU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2025
UNITA Recipes for internationalization
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220-HED 2023-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000159953
- UNITBV Coordinator: Roxana MATEFI
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Global Teachers for a Sustainable Future
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220-HED 2023-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000158502
- UNITBV Coordinator: Adrian MOSOI
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Mobile Minds in Motion - MMM
- Type of project: ERASMUS KA220-HED 2024-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000256449
- UNITBV Coordinator: Adrian MOSOI
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Transversal technological skills for the ornamental rock industry focusing on the applicability of Blockchain in a Circular Economy - RockChain
- Type of project: Erasmus +KA220-HED 2023-1-DE-02-KA220-ADU-000166863
- UNITBV Coordinator: Radu Mircea MUNTEAN
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2027
Empowering Language Acquisition with Integrated AI - eLITE-AI
- Type of project: ERASMUS KA220-HED 2024-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000248845
- UNITBV Coordinator: Andreea NECHIFOR
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Bridging the Gap between Student Competences and Working Life Needs - HEIComp
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 101082717
- UNITBV Coordinator: Florin NECHITA
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2022-2025
Co-designing Holistic Forest-based policy Pathways for Climate Change Mitigation - ForestPaths
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-09/ 101056755
- UNITBV Coordinator: Mihai-Daniel NIȚĂ
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2022-2027
Smart Health Engineering - SHEng
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220 - HED 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000159985
- UNITBV Coordinator: Alexandru PASCU
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Education for Plastic in a Circular and Climate Neutral Economy - Preventing Waste Ending Up into the Environment - EDU4PlastiCircular -
- Type of project: Erasmus+ KA220-HED 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000166242
- UNITBV Coordinator: Dana PERNIU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Forest soils Research and Innovation Action - HoliSoils
- Type of project: HORIZON LC-SFS-22-2020- 101000289
- UNITBV Coordinator: Ioan Cătălin PETRIȚAN
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2021-2025
HARWASTING - Valorisation of harvested agroforestry biomass waste as feedstock for value-added bio-based solutions as a green development pathway
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL6-2024-CIRCBIO-02 101181393
- UNITBV Coordinator: Bogdan POPA
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Supporting language learning of migrant children and young adults through language buddies - Language Buddy
- Type of project: Transnational actions 101141117
- UNITBV Coordinator: Daniela POPA
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Hybrid Extended reAliTy - HEAT
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-21 - 101135637
- UNITBV Coordinator: Vlad POPESCU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Intelligent methodes for structures, elements and materials -IM4StEM
- Type of project: Erasmus + KA220 - HED 2023-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000165929
- UNITBV Coordinator: Dorin RADU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Developing Information, Research and Digital Skills for Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India, Sir Lanka and Nepal - NSIS
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-2 101179133
- UNITBV Coordinator: Angela REPANOVICI
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Developing humour literacy - analysing production, content and reception of humour to bring positive change in the public sphere - HUMLIT
- Type of project: HORIZON - MSCA - 2023 - SE - 01 101182860
- UNITBV Coordinator: Răzvan SĂFTOIU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
SAFENET - Safeguarding biodiversity and carbon-rich forest networks in Europe
- Type of project: HORIZON-CL6-2024-BIODIV-01 101181981
- UNITBV Coordinator: Petru STĂNCIOIU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
ISDEGO - Implementation of Sustainable Urban Development Goals in Transport Bachelor Degree
- Type of project: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-2 1011799154
- UNITBV Coordinator: Stelian TÂRULESCU
- Rol UNITBV: Partener
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Institutions of European Union and The European Governance - NextGOV-EU
- Type of project: ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH - 101127534
- UNITBV Coordinator: Bianca TESCAȘIU
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Proiect Mobilitati ERASMUS
- Type of project: 2022-1RO01-KA171-HED-000077178
- UNITBV Coordinator: UNITBV
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2022-2025
Proiect Mobilitati ERASMUS
- Type of project: 2023-1-RO01-KA131-HED-000139307
- UNITBV Coordinator: UNITBV
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2023-2025
Proiect Mobilitati ERASMUS
- Type of project: 2023-1-RO01-KA171-HED-000138769
- UNITBV Coordinator: UNITBV
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2023-2026
Proiect Mobilitati ERASMUS
- Type of project: 2024-1-RO01-KA131-HED-000204146
- UNITBV Coordinator: UNITBV
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2027
Proiect Mobilitati ERASMUS
- Type of project: 2024-1-RO01-KA171- HED-000213557
- UNITBV Coordinator: UNITBV
- Rol UNITBV: Coordinator
- Implementation Period: 2024-2028