Ionuț Claudiu ROATĂ

Associate Professor
Department of Materials Engineering and Welding
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering


Universității 1 Street, Brașov, Romania
Building G, Room GP15
Phone/Fax: +40 268 412921 int. 161

Research interests:

  • cladding technologies
  • welding technologies
  • materials characterization

Publications (selection)

  • Roata, I.C., Croitoru, C., Pascu, A., Stanciu, E.M., Hulka, I., Petre, I., Gabor, C., Patroi, D., Sbarcea, B.G., Surface engineering of Ni-Al coatings through concentrated solar heat treatment, Apllied Surface Science, 2020, Vol. 506.
  • Croitoru, C., Roata I.C., Pascu, A., Stanciu, E.M, Hulka, I., Stoian, G., Lupu, N., Photocatalytic surfaces obtained through one-step thermal spraying of titanium, Applied Surface Science, 2020, Vol. 504, 144 -173.
  • Roata, I.C., Croitoru, C., Pascu, A., Stanciu, E.M., Cladding under the spotlight: between performance materials and occupational health hazards, Materials Today-Proceedings, 2019, Vol. 19, Part 3, 1051-1058.
  • Roata, I.C., Croitoru, C., Pascu, A., Stanciu, E.M., Photocatalytic performance of copper-based coatings deposited by thermal spraying, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2018, Vol. 29, Issue 13, 11345-11357
  • Stanciu, E.M., Pascu, A., Roată, I.C., Croitoru, C., Tierean, M., Mirza Rosca, J., Hulka, I., 2018, Solar radiation synthesis of functional carbonaceous materials using Al2O3/TiO2-Cu-HA doped catalyst, Applied Surface Science, 438, 33–40. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.10.092