Aureliu-Florin HĂLĂLIȘAN

Associate professor eng.
Department of Forest Engineering
Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering


Șirul Beethowen no. 1 500123, Brașov, Romania
Builing S, Room SI4
Phone./Fax: +40 268 418 000


Research interests:

  • Forest certification
  • Forest policy
  • Quality management of forest products
  • Forest products
  • Forest economics

Publications (selection)

  • Hălălișan, A.F., Nicorescu, A.I., Popa, B., Neykov, N., Marinescu, V. Abrudan, I.V., 2020. The relationships between forestry sector standardization, market evolution and sustainability approaches in the communist and post-communist economies: the case of Romania. În: Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca48(3). Impact Factor: 1, 168.
  • Hălălişan, A.F., Popa, B., Heras-Saizarbitoria, I., Ioras, F., Abrudan, I.V., 2019. Drivers, perceived benefits and impacts of FSC Chain of Custody Certification in a challenging sectoral context: the case of Romania. International Forestry Review21(2), pp.195-211. Impact Factor: 1,495.
  • Popa, B., Niță, M.D., Hălălișan, A.F., 2019. Intentions to engage in forest law enforcement in Romania: An application of the theory of planned behavior. Forest Policy and Economics100, pp.33-43. Factor de Impact: 2,496.
  • Hălălișan, A.F., Abrudan, I. and Popa, B., 2018. Forest Management Certification in Romania: Motivations and Perceptions. Forests9 (7), p.425. Impact Factor: 1,956.
  • Silvestru-Grigore, C.V., Dinulică, F., Spârchez, G., Hălălișan, A.F., Dincă, L.C., Enescu, R.E. and Crișan, V.E., 2018. Radial Growth Behavior of Pines on Romanian Degraded Lands. Forests9(4), p.213. Impact Factor: 1,956.
  • Hălălișan, A.F., Ioras, F., Korjus, H., Avdibegovic, M., Maric, B., Pezdevsek Malovrh, S., Abrudan, I.V., 2016. An Analysis of Forest Management Non-Conformities to FSC Standards in Different European Countries. In: Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, Nr. 44(2), pp. 634-639. DOI: DOI:10.15835/nbha44210263, Impact Factor: 0,451.