Olivia Ana FLOREA

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science


Str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 50, Brașov, Romania
Building P, Room PP4
Phone/Fax: +40 268 414016
E-mail: olivia.florea@unitbv.ro

Research interests:

  • Mechanics,
  • Continuum Mechanics – thermoelasticity,
  • Fluid Mechanics,
  • Biomechanics,
  • Differential equations and dynamical systems.

Publications (selection)

  • Emin, A. N; Florea, O.A; Green-Lindsay thermoelasticity for double porous materials, Analele ştiinifice ale Universității Ovidius din Constanța. Seria Matematică Vol 31 Issue 1 pp. 97-113(2023)
  • Godwe, E.; Florea, O.; Jarrar, R.; Justin, M.; Asad, J.; Microscopic Hamiltonian and chaotic behavior for Barium Titanate nanoparticles revealed by photonic tunneling model, PhysicsLetters A, Vol 478, (2023)
  • Sova, D.; Gurau, Lidia; Porojan, M.; Florea, O.; Sandu, V.; Purcaru, M.; Indirect evaluation of the porosity of waste wood briquettes by assessing their surface quality, Waste and Biomass Valorization (2022)
  • Florea, O.; Baleanu, D.; Asad, J.; Fractional Features Of A Double Pendulum System. Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 30 Issue 2 305-320 (2021)
  • Florea, O. A; Bobe, A.; Moore–Gibson–Thompson thermoelasticity in the context of double porous materials, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Vol. 33 Issue 5 pp 2243-2252 (2021) .