Florin ISAIA

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science


Iuliu Maniu 50, Brasov, Romania
Building P, Room PP11
Phone/Fax: +40 268 414016
E-mail: florin.isaia@unitbv.ro


Research interests:

  • nonlinear analysis
  • elliptic partial differential equations
  • integral equations

Publications (selection):

  • F. Isaia:On the autonomous Nemytskii operator between Sobolev spaces in the critical and supercritical cases: well-definedness and higher-order chain rule, Nonlinear Analysis, 214 (2022) 112576, 1-27.
  • F. Isaia:On the superposition operator between Sobolev spaces: well-definedness, continuity, boundedness, and higher-order chain rule, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 41 (2015), no. 4, 1277-1294.
  • F. Isaia:Superposition operators between Sobolev spaces and a non-existence result of higher-order regular solutions for the p-Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods and Applications, 117 (2015), 87-98.
  • G. Dinca and F. IsaiaSuperposition operators between higher-orderSobolev spaces and a multivariate Faà di Bruno formula: supercritical case, Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 14 (2014), no. 1, 137-158.
  • G. Dinca and F. IsaiaOn superposition operators between higher-orderSobolev spaces and a multivariate Faà di Bruno formula: the subrcritical case, Differential and Integral Equations, 26 (2013), no.1-2, 11-58.
  • G. Dinca and F. Isaia:Generalized Pohožaev and Pucci-Serrin identities and non-existence results for p(x)-Laplacian type equations, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 59 (2010), no.1, 1-46.