Department of Wood Processing and Design of Wood Products
Faculty of Furniture Design and Wood Engineering


St. Universității, No 1, Braşov, Romania
Building H, Rooms L P 1, H I 6 
Phone: 0372 910037


Research interests:

  • wood drying
  • design of experiments and data modelling
  • wood dust control systems


  • Bedelean, B., Ispas, M., Răcășan S. (2023).Combining Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology to Optimize the Drilling Operating Parameters of MDF Panels. Forests, 14 (11), 1-19.
  • Bedelean, B., Ispas, M., Răcășan S. (2023). Applying the Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology to Optimize the Drilling Process of Plywood.  Appl. Sci. 13 (20), 1-16. 
  • Bedelean, B., Ispas, M., Răcășan S., Baba, M.N. (2022). Optimization of Wood Particleboard Drilling Operating Parameters by Means of the Artificial Neural Network Modeling Technique and Response Surface Methodology. Forests,13 (7), 1-13. doi. 10.3390/f13071045 
  • Bedelean, B., Cociș, R. (2021). The influence of the freezing and thawing process on the bending moment capacity of L-shaped heat-treated wood dowel joints. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II: Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering, 14-63(2), 51–60. doi. 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2021.
  • Bedelean, B.I., Neculăeș, I., Spîrchez, C.G., Răcășan, S. (2021). The Influence of the Number and Position of Dowels on the Bending Moment Capacity of Heat-treated Wood Dowel Joints. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II: Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering, 14-63(1), pp. 67–76. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2021.
  • Răcășan, S.Bedelean B., Georgescu S., Varodi A.M. (2020). Comparison Between Artificial Neural Networks and Response Surface Methodology to Predict the Bending Moment Capacity of Heat-treated Wood Dowel Joints. Bioresources 15 (3), 5764-5775. doi: 10.15376/biores.15.3.5764-5775.
  • Georgescu, S., Varodi, A.M., Răcășan S., Bedelean B. (2019). Effect of the dowel length, dowel diameter, and adhesive consumption on bending moment capacity of heat-treated wood dowel joints. Bioresources14 (3), 6619-6632. doi.10.15376/biores.14.3.6619-6632.
  • Bedelean B., Șova D., (2019). A novel method for assembling a wood drying schedule based on design of experiments. Pro Ligno15(4), pp.89-95.
  • Bedelean, B. (2017). Optimisation techniques to compare various selected drying schedules for larch timber. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products75 (6), 939 – 948.
  • Șova, D., Bedelean, B. Sandu, V. (2016). Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimization of Wood Drying Conditions in a Pilot-Scale Kiln. Baltic Forestry22 (2), 348 – 356.
  • Bedelean, B., Muntean, S., Câmpean, M. (2016). Analysis of Drying Kiln Aerodynamics Based on a Full Three-Dimensional Turbulent Numerical Computation. Drvna Industrija67 (1), 53 – 64.
  • Bedelean, B., Lăzărescu, C., Avramidis S. (2015). Predicting RF heating rate during pasteurization of green softwoods using artificial neural networks and Monte Carlo method. Wood Research Journal60 (1), 83 – 94.