Lecturer Eng. 
Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Politehnicii 1, Brașov,România
E-mail: dana.ghita@unitbv.ro


Research interests:

  • Image processing, biomedical imaging
  • Image segmentation and analysis (specifically texture and color analysis) with applications in computer vision and medical imaging.

Publications (selection):

  • Dana E. Ilea and Paul F. Whelan, “CTex - An Adaptive Unsupervised Segmentation Algorithm Based on Colour-Texture Coherence”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Impact factor: 10.6), vol. 17, no. 10, 2008.
  • Dana E. Ilea and Paul F. Whelan (2011), "Image Segmentation based on the Integration of Colour-Texture Descriptors - A Review", Pattern Recognition (Impact factor: 8.00), vol. 44, issues 10-11, October-November 2011, pp. 2479-2501. Stayed in the top 10 Hottest Pattern Recognition articles from January 2011 to December 2013.
  • Dana E. Ilea Ghita, Caoimhe Duffy, Liam Kavanagh, Alice Stanton and Paul F. Whelan (2013), "Fully Automated Segmentation and Tracking of the Intima Media Thickness in Ultrasound Video Sequences of the Common Carotid Artery", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (Impact factor: 3.60), vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 158-177, January 2013. [Also - Highly Cited Articles in IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control - January 2014 edition].
  • Ovidiu Ghita, Dana E. Ilea and Paul F. Whelan (2013), "Texture Enhanced Histogram Equalisation Using TV-L1 Image Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Impact factor: 10.6), vol. 22, no. 8, 2013, pp 3133-3144. 
  • Ovidiu Ghita, Dana E. Ilea and Paul F. Whelan (2009), "Image feature enhancement based on the time-controlled total variation flow formulation", Pattern Recognition Letters (Impact factor: 5.10), vol. 30, issue 3, 2009, pp. 314-320.