Associate professor
Department of Motor Performance
Faculty of Physical Education and Mountain Sports


Str. Universității 1-3
Building F, Room QI8a
Phone/Fax: +40 268474060

Descarcă CV

Research Interests:

  • sport performance
  • technology applied in Sport Science
  • basketball

Publications (selection)

  • Badau, D., Stoica, A.M., Litoi, M.F., Badau, A., Duta, D., Hantau, C.G., Sabau, A.M., Oancea, B.M., Ciocan, C.V., Fleancu, J.L., (2023) The Impact of Peripheral Vision on Manual Reaction Time Using Fitlight Technology for Handball, Basketball and Volleyball PlayersBioengineering10, 697.
  • Olteanu, M., Oancea, B.M., Badau, D., (2023) Improving Effectiveness of Basketball Free Throws through the Implementation of Technologies in the Technical Training Process. Applied Sciences; 13(4):2650.
  • Badau, D., Badau, A., Joksimović, M., Oancea B.M., Manescu, C.O., Graur, C., Cornea, G.G., Ene-Voiculescu, V., Cojanu, F., Stefanica, V., Cojocaru, A., Mocanu, G., Silisteanu, S.C. (2023) The effects of 6-weeks program of physical therapeutic exergames on cognitive flexibility focused by reaction times in relation to manual and podal motor abilities. Balneo and PRM Research Journal, 14(3): 570
  • Turcu, I., Oancea, B., Chicomban, M., Simion, G., Simon, S., Negriu Tiuca, C.I., Ordean, M.N., Petrovici, A.G., Nicolescu Șeușan, N.A., Hăisan, P.L., (2022). Effect of 8-Week β-Alanine Supplementation on CRP, IL-6, Body Composition, and Bio-Motor Abilities in Elite Male Basketball Players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 19(20):13700.
  • Petre, I.M., Boscoianu, M., Oancea, B., Chicomban, M., Turcu, I., Simion, G., (2022) Analysis of the Physiognomy of Unique Sets in the Maximum Number of Repetitions Strategy—The Case of One-Arm Scott Machine Seated Bicep CurlsApplied Sciences; 12(16):8308.