Daniel-Călin OLA

Lecturer Eng. 
Department of Food and Tourism Engineering and Management
Faculty of Food and Tourism


Castelului 148 Street, Brașov, Romania
Building R, Room RII9
Tel.: +40 268 474017
E-mail: danielola@unitbv.ro


Research Interests:

  • Preprocessing and dosing of food products,
  • Tourism management aided by IT,
  • Automation and simulation of tourism and food industry processes

Publication (selection)

  • D.C. Ola, M. Manescu, L. Gaceu, “Software technique for Performance evaluation of a volumetric screw dosing system for agro-food bulk solids”, în Inovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E-learning, E-assesment and Education, pag. 392-395, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.
  • D.C. Ola, și colab. Modelarea si automatizarea sistemelor tehnice din alimentatie si turism : sisteme de dozare, ambalare si marcare. Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov isbn:9789735987527 AnAparitie:2011 NrAutori:5 NrPagini:273.
  • D.C. Ola An overview of customer complaints in car rental activities from Romania revista:Bulletin of Transilvania University of Brasov, Forestry Wood Industry Agricultural Food Engineering Series II BDI:Scopus issn:20652135 , 2016.
  • D.C. Ola și colab, Efficient use of agricultural land in production of energy: natural insulation versus bio-energy revista:Energy, biomass and biological residues. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - CIGR-AgEng 2012: Agriculture and Engineering for a Healthier Life BDI: CABI issn:00000000 AnAparitie:2012 Autors:5