Antonela-Cristina LUNGU

Department of Wood Processing and Design of Wood Products
Faculty of Furniture Design and Wood Engineering


St. Universității, No 1, Braşov, Romania
Building H, room H II 2


Research interests:

  • Furniture ornamentation techniques
  • Furniture design
  • Furniture manufacturing technology


  • Lungu, A., Gurău, L., Coșereanu, C. (2023). Evaluation of CNC Routed Surface Quality of Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Oak (Quercus robur L.) with Different Milling Angles as Function of Grain Orientation, BioResources 18(3), 5334-5350.
  • Gurău, L., Coșereanu, C., Timar, M.C., Lungu, A., Condoroțeanu, C.D. (2022). Comparative surface quality of maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) cut through by CNC routing and by CO2 laser at different angles as related to the wood grain, Coatings, 12(12), 1982.
  • Lungu, A., Timar M.C., Beldean E.C., Georgescu, V.S., Coșereanu, C. (2022). Adding value to maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) wood furniture surfaces by different methods of transposing motifs from textile heritage, Coatings, 12(10), 1393.
  • Lungu, A., Androne, A., Gurău, L., Răcășan, S., Coșereanu, C. (2021). Textile heritage motifs to decorative furniture surfaces. Transpose process and analysis, Journal of Cultural Heritage 52, 192-201.
  • Lungu, A., Ispas, M., Brenci, L., Răcășan, S., Coșereanu, C. (2021). Comparative study on wood CNC routing methods for transposing a traditional motif from the Romanian textile heritage into furniture decoration, Applied Sciences, 11(15), 6713.