Study Documents

Within the national higher-education system, the study documents are official state documents, with a special status, which confirm the academic studies completed and the titles, degrees and/or qualifications acquired. The study documents confer on their holders the rights and obligations arising from the applicable legislation. The study documents are the diplomas, as well as the final and provisional certificates.

Documents required to receive the diploma:  
• identity card (in original) for Romanian citizens, or passport (in original) for foreign citizens, and marriage certificate or other document attesting to the change of name, if that change occurred after graduation;
• diploma supplement or transcript of records (to be taken from the faculty secretariat);
• two recent photos, size 3/4 cm, colour, on matte photographic paper (as the case may be);
• storage fee, in the case of the study documents issued after more than 60 months from the date of graduation.

In order to take your Diploma of Higher Education, you need to make an appointment.

Keep the originals of the study documents under good conditions, and avoid placing them in the competition files.
Do not use plastic coating for the originals of the study documents, as you might face difficulties in having them authenticated and apostilled.

Issuance of the study documents

The study documents are issued to the holder in person, only once, in the original. In duly justified situations, when the holder of the study document cannot come in person, the study document may be issued to his/her proxy, with the approval of the university management, based on a power of attorney legalized by a notary public, or on a power of attorney from a lawyer in a copy certified as “according to the original”, which expressly mentions that the proxy can take the study documents. This authorised representative shall prove his/her identity with the same ID document specified in the power of attorney

The notary public’s power of attorney drawn up on the territory of another country shall be over-legalized or apostilled (Hague Apostille) by the relevant authorities of the country where it was made, through international agreement, and shall be submitted in the original, accompanied by a legalized translation into Romanian.

The list of countries for which the apostillation or over-legalization is requested can be found  HERE

The powers of attorney made at the embassies or consulates of Romania in other countries and issued under the signature of the ambassador/consul need not be over-legalized/apostilled and translated.

Duplicates of the study documents and other academic documents

In case of loss or complete destruction, of partial damage or of plastic coating, a duplicate of the study document may be issued, after submitting the following documents:

a. Duplicate of a study document (diploma/final or provisional certificate) that has been lost or destroyed
• application for the duplicate, addressed to the Rector of the University;
• the Official Gazette of Romania in which the announcement on the loss or complete destruction of the study document appeared. The announcement will mention: the name of the document, the holder’s surname and forename, the year of completion of the studies, the series and number of that document, its number and date of issuance. If you no longer have any copy of the lost document, you may request a provisional certificate with the necessary data for the publication of the announcement in the Official Gazette;
• the document holder’s written statement, which includes all relevant information for identification, and the circumstances in which the document was lost or destroyed;
• a copy certified as “in accordance with the original” of the birth certificate;
• a copy of the identity document (ID card or passport);
• two recent photos, size 3 x 4 cm, colour, on photographic paper;
• proof of payment of the document-issuance fee, for each lost study document;
• ether a notary public’s or a lawyer’s power of attorney in copy certified as “in accordance with the original”, as the case may be.

b. Duplicate of a study document (diploma/final or provisional certificate) that has been partially damaged or coated in plastic
• application for the duplicate, addressed to the Rector of the University;
• the partially damaged or plastic-coated study document, in the original;
• the document holder’s written statement, which includes all relevant information for identification, and the circumstances in which the document was lost or destroyed;
• a copy certified as “in accordance with the original” of the birth certificate;
• a copy of the identity document (ID card or passport);
• two recently taken photos, size 3 x 4 cm, colour, on photographic paper;
• proof of payment of the document-issuance fee, for each lost study document;
• either a notary public’s or a lawyer’s power of attorney in copy certified as “in accordance with the original”, as the case may be.
The file containing the aforementioned documents will be submitted to the University’s Registry and subjected to the approval of the University's management. The holder of the duplicate of a study document can take the duplicate within one month from the approval of his/her application. The duplicates of the study documents are issued under the same conditions as upon the issuance of the original documents.

c. Duplicate of an academic document appended to the diploma (diploma supplement/transcript of records)
• application for the duplicate;
• the document holder’s written statement, which includes all relevant information for identification, and the circumstances in which the document was lost, destroyed or damaged;
• a copy of the identity document (ID card or passport);
• proof of payment of the duplicate-issuance fee, for each lost study document;
• either a notary public’s or a lawyer’s power of attorney in copy certified as “in accordance with the original”, as the case may be;
The file containing the aforementioned documents is submitted to the faculty having organized the studies. The holder can take the duplicate within one month from the approval of his/her application. The duplicates of the study documents are issued under the same conditions as upon the issuance of the original documents.

Transcripts, syllabi, certificates

Transcripts of records and tuition reports are issued at the request of students and graduates. The application accompanied by the receipt proving payment of the fee for the issuance of the transcript of records/tuition report is sent to the secretariat of the faculty they graduated from.
The syllabi are issued at the graduates’ request. For students and former students with uncompleted studies, the syllabus will include only the disciplines studied and passed by the applicant. 
The application accompanied by the receipt proving payment of the fee for the issuance of the syllabus is sent to the secretariat of the faculty s/he graduated from.
The certificate of authenticity: it is requested by the National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas in order to endorse the study documents, or by other institutions, and it certifies the authenticity and validity of the information in the study documents and their appendices. 
The application accompanied by the receipt proving payment of the related fee, copies of the diploma/certificate and of the diploma supplement/transcript of records are submitted to the University’s Registry or sent by email to the Study Documents Office.

Equivalence/recognition of the study documents abroad

For the recognition/equivalence of the study documents abroad, we recommend you to contact the relevant authorities in the destination country, which are responsible for the recognition of studies. The endorsement of the study documents falls within the responsibility of the National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas within the Ministry of National Education:
In some cases, you may be asked for a certified copy of the study documents issued by Transilvania University of Brașov. The copies certified as “in accordance with the original” are issued upon request and are sent by direct mail from Transilvania University of Brașov to the institution abroad that asked for them.
The application accompanied by the receipt proving payment of the related fee, copies of the diploma/certificate and of the diploma supplement/transcript of records are submitted to the University’s Registry or sent by email to the following address:
Transilvania University of Brașov performs upon request, for a fee, official translations of the study documents and other academic documents such as transcripts of records or certificates, in English, French or German, which are issued under the University’s letterhead and seal, with the Rector’s signature. 
The translations are issued upon request and are sent by direct mail from Transilvania University of Brașov to the institution abroad that asked for them.
The applications in this regard are submitted to the Centre for Modern Languages, either at its premises (“Sergiu T. Chiriacescu” Conference Centre, Transilvania University of Brașov, 2nd floor - 41A Iuliu Maniu Street) or by email to


See the amount of fees charged for various activities