Guide for reviewers

Transilvania  University Press believes that the peer-review process is an essential component of academic publications and a major element of the scientific research process. Reviewing performs two key functions:

  • to serve as a filter: it enables the verification of the research results prior to their publication;
  • to improve the quality of the research: rigorous reviews by experts in a particular field help to improve key points and correct possible mistakes.

Prior to accepting the role of reviewer, information is requested on conflicts of interests between reviewer and author. Such a conflict of interests does not automatically disqualify the former from the peer-review process, but informing the publisher will enable him/ her to knowingly make a decision.

The peer-review process shall be confidential, details on the work must not be revealed to a third party. If requesting the opinion of some colleagues on the respective article is desired, the editor must be informed. Most editors appreciate supplementary observations, but the peer-review process must remain confidential, whoever will be involved.

The manuscript will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Originality
    Is the submitted research book new and interesting enough to justify its publication? Does it contribute to the current stage of the research?
  • Structure
    Is the book well structured? Does it contain all key elements (where applicable): introduction, methodology, results, conclusions?
  • Linguistic level
    If the work contains grammatical mistakes, although its scientific content will be more difficult to understand, there is no need for you to correct the language mistakes, however you should inform the editor.
  • Previous research
    Does the book adequately quote the references to the previous research it is based on? Are there important works that were omitted? Are the bibliographical references correct?