
1. First pages

a) The title page should include your name, as author or coordinator, and the full title (inclusively subtitle) of the work, exactly the way you want them to appear in the printed book. If there is a preface/ afterword/ foreword, written by another person, please mention his/her name.  In case of translations, the translator’s/ translators’ name shall be specified.  Where appropriate, the name of the edition carer or of the person who prepared the notes (if applicable) should be mentioned in the title page. Likewise, mention should be made if there is a new edition (its number) or a revised edition.

b) Financed works (sponsorship): in case the editing (writing, translation, research etc.) was funded, this should be mentioned in the first pages of the book, as requested by the sponsor.

c) Contributors. For collective works, a list of authors shall be included, where from the contribution of each should be clear. If there are several translators, the contribution of each should be mentioned.

d) Mottos; dedications; acknowledgement. All this must be included from the beginning in your manuscript.

2. Table of contents

It should reflect exactly the content of the work, with clear emphasis on title levels (parts, chapters, subchapters etc.). For scientific works, an extended table of contents shall be prepared.

3. Auxiliary materials

Their indication in the table of contents and their position, their author’s specification, where applicable, should draw attention to the fact they are not firmly attached to the work, being treated as such. The natural order is as follows: foreword/ preface/ introductory study/ note on the edition/ ACTUAL TEXT of the book/ notes/ glossary/ bibliography/ index (addenda, annexes).

The prefaces, notes, bibliographical annexes shall be verified and unified in all respects, in accordance with the standards herein. The manuscript delivered to the publishing house must be complete, i.e. to include all auxiliary materials: notes, bibliographical references, prefaces/ afterwords, introductory study, annexes, addenda, note on the edition, glossary, index (list of entries), graphs, tables, illustrations etc.

The glossary contains the list of the technical terms, notions or key-concepts that appear throughout the work and are unfamiliar to the reader.

Bibliography/ Bibliographical references. The bibliography of a work is, most times, the mirror of its contents. The lack of reference or topical titles in a work circumscribed to a certain field “betrays” inconsistent information provided to readers. The “non-confession” of the sources is much more grievous. The titles (titles of books, titles of poems, plays, short stories etc.) are provided in the original language and are collected in italics (oblique). Similarly, the periodicals (magazines, newspapers, almanacs, bulletins, collections of laws). Papers within a periodical, chapters in a book, poems, short stories in a quoted volume are given in quotation marks (“ ”).  Commas, not points, will be used within the same bibliographical reference. In case of references to works with more than two authors, after the first name, the abbreviation “et al.”, “others” (“and others”) may be used. All names will be necessarily recorded in bibliographies.

“Apud” (as cited in) is used to indicate the reference to the text that serves as source of information.  Do not confuse the quotation by “apud” to the one by “in”! “In” is used to indicate the whole that includes the quoted chapter, paper, study etc. Note that, except when the access to a certain text is only possible through “intermediate” (no Romanian translation, not knowing the language of the original), the quotation by “apud” marks the lack of scientific rigour.

The references in the text are given in brackets. The references in the text (author, year of the work, page) must be included in full in the bibliographic citations, where the author, title of the work, publishing house, year and place of issuance shall be specified. If in the bibliography there are several authors with the same name, the initial letter of the surname shall be necessarily added in the text. If an author is quoted with several works issued during the same year, the distinction shall be made as follows: 1999a, 1999b etc.

The index is the sign both of the seriousness of the work, and of the respect towards the reader who, in the absence of this search tool, but in front of a work containing varied information, will feel disoriented. Help him identify the areas of interest. Not infrequently, readers give up a book because, not having an index available, they do not have time to go through the entire work. The index can be of names and/ or thematic. Beware the alphabetical arrangement of all entries and subentries. A “thick” index helps no one, rather on the contrary. Therefore only significant entries, pages that convey real information shall be specified.

4. Notes

The references will be made by figures placed as superscript to the right of the targeted word (passage). In the footnotes or final notes, the figures will be resumed (without superscript), as paragraph beginning, followed by a dot. After asterisk, no dot will be placed. The system of references, once established, shall necessarily be applied consistently throughout the work.

References within the notes:

  • • all bibliographic details shall be specified at first quotation in the same chapter;
  • • regular abbreviations (op. cit.; art. cit.; idem, ibidem) shall only be used in the same chapter, otherwise source re-identification might become difficult;
  • • if several works by the same author are quoted, the title may be referred to in abbreviated form, followed by the indication of the page/ pages;
  • • idem is typically used to indicate the reference to the same author; ibidem (“the same place”) is used for the reference to the same work;
  • • the abbreviations of the terms in another language are given in italics.
5. Punctuation and orthography

The official standards will be observed, as they were mentioned in the latest editions of the specialized regulatory works (DOOM, DEX, Dictionary of Neologisms, Grammar of the Academy).

Spelling and punctuation rules do not constitute a “personal” code, be it of the author, translator, corrector or editor. The written code of the language involves using graphical means (punctuation marks) whereby, on one hand, the syntactic-semantic relations between the component units of an enunciation and, on the other hand, the pauses, intonation, communication string interruption should be highlighted. Correctly applied, punctuation marks enhance the ideas, contribute to the reading and comprehending of the message in a book, providing the discourse discipline and orderly expression of thought.

6. Mnemotechnic methods

A special regime in terms of type script and layout is held by university courses, which transmit a set of information circumscribed to a certain area of knowledge. So that the aspect of the work should be as attractive as possible, so that the potential reader should feel “helped” in memorizing information, mnemotechnic methods shall be used, such as: bold, italic, symbols, recapitulative diagrams, frames, tables, abstracts. Block text pages, very long paragraphs or sentences (which contain too many ideas) are uncomfortable when reading.

7. Rights and permissions for copying some materials

You must have the right to copy the following types of materials: quotations (exceeding 400 words); poems; images (illustrations, photographs, drawings, cartoons) – if they are protected by copyright. Copyright allows authors, composers, photographers, painters etc. to control the manner of copying their work. The period of copyright protection stipulated by the European legislation is: author’s life + 70 years after death. For details, see Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, notably chapters II, “Subject of copyright”; V, “Duration of copyright protection”; VI, “Limits of copyright exercise” (Official Monitor, part I, no. 60). If your work contains such material, once with the manuscript delivery, you shall provide the University Press with the proof you are in possession of those rights.