
Transilvania University Press suggests authors to replace the classical typed manuscript, delivered on paper, with an electronic manuscript. The electronic manuscript may be drafted by the authors themselves, with the support of external experts, or requesting this service to the Press. The manuscript should fulfil the following conditions:

  • • to be complete;
  • • to include all notes, introductory study (preface), afterword etc.;
  • • to include the extensive table of contents;
  • • to be accompanied by graphs, illustrations, tables.

Moreover, the electronic manuscript should fulfil a series of technical conditions, aiming at:

  • • the possibility of being taken over by the Press (to be compatible with the software and equipment used in the publishing house);
  • • the possibility of being easily processed afterwards (resorting to typical paging software) with a view to achieving the editorial product.

The document presentation as simple as possible, only with text, is equivalent to its being easily processed and does not hinder the technological process of book production. The closer the external form of a manuscript to the final product, the more expensive its production for the author and the more difficult its processing by the University Press, in case the document does not comply with the standards. 

By accessing the links below, you can find details on the layout and electronic document delivery to the University Press.