The 28th International Congress of Psychology and Education

27–29 April 2020, “Sergiu T. Chiriacescu” Aula
The event is organised by the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (Transilvania University of Brașov) and the International Association Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia, Mayores y Discapacidad (INFAD).
This year, the Congress is themed on positive psychology – theoretical advances and applicative approaches in all life cycles and in various individual hypostases. We want it to be an opportunity for meeting and reflection, in which the participants have the opportunity to present their research results in a fruitful exchange of ideas, and to propose useful and sustainable solutions at societal level. The plenary interventions will allow a nuanced approach to the major topics of positive psychology, and the presentations by sections will allow sharing with the colleagues the research interests. The Congress offers a generous space where we can bring premier research and work in progress to generate debate, be able to contrast contributions, opinions and suggestions and provide them to the scientific community along with intervention solutions to improve the quality of life for various categories of beneficiaries.
The International Association Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia, Adolescencia, Mayores y Discapacidad (INFAD) represents a group of professors and researchers who are very aware of the new realities that today’s society is experiencing, of the changes that take place at the generation level, which are also felt at the level of contemporary culture, and of the benefits that psychology can offer today’s world.