InnEO International Summer School

19-24 July 2021
Thirty-four participants from Italy, France, Poland, Lithuania and Romania will attend InnEO International Summer School which will take place between 19 and 24 July in Brasov. Six professors from several European countries, such as Romania, France, Italy, Denmark and the United Kingdom, have already confirmed their participation in this event.
The event will take place in Brașov, from 19 to 24 July, and will be hosted by the Research-Development Institute of Transilvania University.
InnEO International Summer School is part of the project InnEO Space_PhD, coordinated by the University of Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès, France, a project in which Transilvania University of Brașov is a partner.
InnEO Space_PhD offers a doctoral training enrichment programme and responds to current and future needs in the training of doctoral students and researchers. The project aims to develop an open innovation process, with interactions between doctoral students and researchers with different stakeholders both from academia and outside of the academic sector.
The main objectives of the project are:·
· To enhance and develop the researchers’ innovation-oriented mind-sets and skills through Earth Observation;
· To raise awareness among researchers and scientists about employment opportunities in and beyond the academic environment;
· To cope with future skills mismatches;
· To create new synergies between doctoral students and researchers and potential employers.
Further details on the project InnEO Space_PhD are available at: