Ethical Values in Nowadays Society

5-7 May 2022

Between 5 and 7 May 2022Transilvania University of Brașov, in partnership with the Council of Academic Ethics and Management and the National Council of Ethics for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation organizes the third edition of the international conference “Ethical values in today’s society” (VESA). The main theme of VESA 2022 conference is ”Professional Errors and Ethical Dilemmas in the COVID-19 Era”.

The impact of ethics in higher-education didactic and research activities of high public visibility determines inclusively inter-institutional approaches and connections, both at national level, through advisory ministerial councils – Council of Academic Ethics and Management (CEMU), National Council of Ethics for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation (CNECSTDI) and Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) – and at the level of higher education institutions through the committees for academic ethics.

In the pandemic context, ethics has been facing intense challenges, and due to the complexity determined by the new reality, the ethical dilemmas have acquired a new dimension generated by the difficulty of making a distinction, in practice, between unethical behaviour and professional error. The scientific community thus feels the need to discuss the many aspects of these new dilemmas, to share practical approaches and to generate action models.

The conference organizers hope that in this context, through an interdisciplinary scientific approach, the debates and research focused on ethics will facilitate the exchange of good inter-institutional practices between the participants. Through workshops dedicated to (i) chairs of ethics committees and legal advisers and (ii) medical and legal practitioners, in the presence of relevant authorities, its aim is to identify viable solutions, mainly from a legislative perspective.

Through the event partners– CEMU and CNESDTI– the conference proceedings may lead to the standardization of practical approaches, and the partnership with ProUniversitaria and the Legal Universe ensures the dissemination of the scientific research, including through the publication of articles in the Journal of Ethics and Deontology, which is in its second year of publication and is currently indexed in EBSCO and WorldCat.

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