The International Conference on German Studies at its 26th edition

23-25 March 2023
The Department of German Studies under the Faculty of Letters within Transilvania University of Brașov, in collaboration with the Romanian Germanists Society, will organize the 26th International Conference on German Studies, themed on Alles Helden, oder was? Paradigmen, Perspektiven, Traditionen und Tendenzen in Kultur, Kunst, Literatur und Sprache, in Brașov, between 23 and 25 March 2023.
Over time, this conference of Brașov has become a constant and qualitative event in the field of German studies, all over Romania, which offers the experts, academic teaching personnel, students, but also the public at large, valuable opportunities for information, debate and cooperation. This event brings together specialists and researchers from important academic centres of Romania (Bucharest, Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, Jassy, Timișoara and Brașov), Germany, Austria, Greece, and it is considered as one of the most important events of this kind in the country, standing out for its consistency, continuity and efficiency.
Our conference is wide open to both bachelor’s and master’s degree students, and to the specialized teaching personnel in (pre)university education, offering all of them a real opportunity for professional development.
The submitted papers will be published in 2024 in the new format of the journal Kronstädter Beiträge zur Germanistischen Forschung (CEEOL, Index Copernicus, EZB; by Aldus Publishing House of Brașov, in collaboration with the Publishing House of Transilvania University.
More details are available HERE