International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing

11 - 13 December 2023, “Sergiu T. Chiriacescu” Conference Centre
The 18th edition of ConsILR-2023 is jointly organised by: University Transilvania of Brașov with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and Faculty of Letters, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iași with the Faculty of Computer Science, Romanian Academy with its research institutes in Iași (Computer Science and Philology) and Bucharest (”Mihai Drăgănescu” Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence), the Romanian Association of Computational Linguistics and the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania.
ConsILR-2023 is addressed to computer scientists and linguists, from PhD students to senior researchers, working on all areas of language modelling and processing, including lexicographers and creators of any forms of digital resources.
All sessions will be broadcasted in the internet (watch the Conference pages for connection details).
The papers will present original and unpublished research, descriptions of accomplished or in-progress work in all areas of natural language processing, digital humanities, creation of resources and instruments to process language in both textual and spoken form. Contributions are expected to address areas of theoretical, empirical and applied linguistics, computational models of language, research describing morphological, syntactic, semantic and discourse structures of language, its pragmatic usage, technologies to decipher and interpret old variants of languages, etc. Contributions may also describe new linguistic resources, such as speech and text corpora, bi- and multi-modal corpora, dictionaries in electronic form, treebanks, language models, pre-trained deep learning models transferable to other areas, vectorial models, repositories of annotated language data, etc. We expect all range of computational approaches, from theoretical to symbolic, statistical and neural, same as case studies, demos of applications and review papers. We encouraged studies related to any language, but research evidencing specific aspects of the Romanian language or of any of its dialects and idioms are most welcome.
As in the previous editions, the Proceedings of the Conference will be sent for indexing to Clarivate Analytics.
Participation is free of charge for attendees which do not present a paper.
Join us in person or online following the details from the conference web page: