University Regulations
- University Senate Regulations
- • Regulations of the Specialized Commissions of the Senate of Transilvania University of Brașov
- Internal Regulations – Amendments
- Regulations on the organization and operation of the deliberative bodies of the university
- Regulations on the organization and operation of the disciplinary committees
- Regulations on the organization and operation of the Commission for monitoring, coordination and methodological guidance on the implementation and development of the University’s managerial internal control system
- Regulations on the natural persons’ protection with regard to the personal data processing and on the free movement of these data
- Regulations on gifts and hospitality (received by employees while in office)
- Plan of measures at Transilvania University of Brașov for organizing the activities in conditions of epidemiological safety, for prevention against the SARS-CoV-2 virus
- Gender equality plan in Transilvania University of Brasov
- Digital transformation strategy within Transilvania University of Brașov
- Internationalization Strategy of Transilvania University of Brasov - 2024-2029
- Quality Assurance Strategy of Transilvania University of Brasov - 2024-2029
- Strategy on Scientific Research, Development and Innovation of Transilvania University of Brașov for 2024-2029
- University elections regulations and methodology
- Regulations for the elections of students' representatives
- Electoral regulations for the election of the Doctoral School Council members
- Electoral regulations for the election and appointment of the members of the Council for Doctoral Studies
- Methodology for the selection of deans within Transilvania University of Brașov in the 2024-2029 legislative term
- Regulations on students’ professional activity 2024 - 2025
- Admission regulations for bachelor’s and master’s degree courses of study
- Admission regulations for doctoral studies
- Methodology for the academic studies final examination
- Regulations on the Organization and Conduct of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies
- Regulations of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
- Regulations on bachelor’s degree students' practical stage
- Code of student rights and liabilities
- Regulations on granting scholarships and other forms of financial support
- Regulations on students' accommodation in the dormitories
- Regulations governing student organizations activities
- Regulations for the recognition of study periods abroad
- Regulations on the recognition of the mobility stages for studies or traineeships conducted with in the Erasmus+ programme
- Regulations for psycho-pedagogical teacher training programmes
- Regulations on the organization and operation of the Student Entrepreneurial Society
- Methodology for the application of the regulations regarding the organization and operation of the Student Entrepreneurial Society
- Methodology on organizing and conducting the final study programme of the Romanian language preparatory year for foreign citizens
- Methodology on the ocupation of teaching and research positions
- Methodology on the automatic recognition at Transilvania University of Braşov of the quality of doctoral supervisor or of the habilitation obtained in accredited higher-education institutions abroad
- Methodology on the recognition at Transilvania University of Braşov of the doctor’s degree and diploma in sciences or in a professional field, obtained abroad
- Methodology on the recognition within Transilvania University of Braşov of academic teaching positions obtained in accredited higher-education institutions abroad
- Regulations on obtaining the certificate of habilitation
- Regulations for hourly paid teaching activities
- Regulations for maintaining teaching or research tenure after reaching the legal retirement age
- Regulations for granting the merit awards for non-teaching and research staff
- Regulations for the periodical evaluation of the quality of the teaching staff
- Regulations for the periodical internal evaluation of the doctoral supervisors
- Regulations for the organization and operation of the Research and Development Institute
- Regulations for the organization and operation of the Technology and Business Incubator
- Regulations for admission at advanced research post-doctoral programmes
- Policy of Transilvania University of Brasov on open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers
- Regulations of the Commission for Quality Evaluation and Assurance (CEAC)
- Regulations of the Office for Quality Assurance (DAC)
- Regulations of the International Relations Office (ORI)
- Regulations of the Public Relations Office
- Regulations of the Marketing and Image Office
- Regulations of the Project Management Office
- Regulations of the IT Office
- Regulations of the Intellectual Property Office
- Regulations of the University Library
- Regulations of the Transilvania University Publishing House
- Regulations of the Department of Teaching Processes Management (DGPD)
- Regulations of the Centre for Distance Learning and Part-Time Studies (CIDIFR)
- Regulations of the Centre for Continuing Education (CFC)
- Regulations of the Department of Medical Residency and Postgraduate Education
- Regulations of the Centre for Modern Languages (CILM)
- Regulations of the Norbert Detaeye Multimedia Centre
- Regulations of the Multicultural Centre
- Regulations of the Musical Centre
- Regulations of the Office for Relations with the Business Environment (BRME)
- Regulations of the Centre for Information, Consulting and Career Guidance (CICOC)
- Regulations of the ALUMNI Office
- Regulations of the Financial Analysis and Strategy Office
- Regulations of the Transilvania University Seniors’ Club
- Regulations on the organization and operation of the Compartment for the Liaison with the Preuniversity Environment
- Regulations of the Legal Department
- Regulations of the Department of Public Internal Audit
- Regulations of the Technical and Administrative Services
- Regulations of the Human Resources Department (DRU)
- Regulations of the Financial and Accounting Department
- Regulations of students’ Refectories and Cafeterias
- Regulations of the Assets Control and Administration Services
- Regulations of the Internal Public Acquisitions Office
- Regulations of the Health and Safety Committee (CSSM)
- Regulations for renting the University’s temporarily available properties