International programmes
European programmes

- • CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) is a regional academic mobility programme that has been running in Central and Eastern Europe since 1993. Romania joined this Program in 1998.
• PARTICIPANTS - Central and South-Eastern European countries that participate in CEEPUS: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia, University of Prishtina, United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - MEST, as well as the Republic of Moldova, starting with the academic year 2011-2012.
• CEEPUS NETWORKS - A CEEPUS network is an interuniversity structure in which several universities from at least two different countries engage a joint project.
Any academic from any university can create a CEEPUS network, the home institution becoming then the network coordinator; or an academic can join a network coordinated by another university participating in the Program and then the academic’s home institution becomes a partner institution. All operations related to the creation / management of CEEPUS projects and the registration for / granting scholarships are carried out online, on the website
Transilvania University of Brașov is a member of 15 CEEPUS networks.
University programmes

Transilvania University of Braşov grants study scholarships for full attendance of bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree studies. The scholarship addresses international students with exceptional results from non-EU and non-EEA countries.

Transilvania University of Brașov offers residential scholarships to proficient young researchers and to personalities with internationally recognized expertise. The programme comprises two kinds of fellowships:
(i) Transilvania Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research/Young Researchers
(ii) Transilvania Fellowship for Visiting Professors.
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Transilvania University of Brașov supports its faculties to invite renowned specialists as keynote, invited or guest speakers at the international conferences they organize. The costs thereby incurred are covered by the University.

This programme aims at providing full financial support for 3 to 10-day cooperation work between prestigious specialists from the Romanian diaspora and University staff members.

Up to ten reputed specialists from abroad can be invited by the Rector every year for joint academic activities. The visits last between 3 and 10 days, with all the related costs covered by Transilvania University of Brașov. For more information contact

At the proposal of the faculties’ or the University management, specialists from the country and from abroad can be invited to carry out academic activities at the University.

This programme is designed to grant artistic residency at the University to outstanding contemporary artists for a period of time lasting between two and twelve months. Three artists are selected every academic year following a competition.
The programme addresses doctoral students at Transilvania University of Braşov who intend to study or carry out research abroad. The monthly amount of each scholarship depends on the distance to the place of mobility. For more information contact

Undergraduate and master students at Transilvania University of Braşov can apply for a study stage or for internships abroad. The monthly amount of scholarships depends on the distance to the place of mobility.