International Colloquium of Social Science ACUM

(2006– 2011)

International Colloquium of Social Science ACUM brings together the papers presented at the professional event of the same title, organized by the Faculty of Sociology and Communication, within Transilvania University of Braşov, which has been annually organized since 2006.

The studies were collected in six volumes and published at Transilvania University Press, between 2006 and 2011. They reflect, by evaluation and analytical exploration based on case studies, a modern perspective on the aspects of social life, communication, education and sociological research. By their contributions, the authors, experienced or emerging specialists, aim at identifying the major directions and at highlighting the strengths of: public relations, lifequality, social policies, community development, management of social institutions and organizations, epistemology, social theory and methodology, social ethics, social justice, suburban culture. The collection targets a wide audience and constitutes an information source for specialized teaching staff, researchers, as well as for students.

Initially edited as a monograph, it subsequently changed into a serial publication (2007), being printed in Romanian. Since 2011, it has been published in English. The issuing frequency was one volume per year until 2009; there after, in 2010 and 2011 it was biannual.

Bibliographic description of the collection


International Colloquium of Social Science ACUM 2011: Social Space and Its Actors, Braşov, 17th-18th November 2011. Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvaniadin Braşov. 2011, vol.5, nr.1, 2. ISSN1844-5667

Note: The publication is edited in English. The papers were grouped into the following sections: The Patrimony of The “Bucharest School of Sociology”; Ethics and Social Justice; Identity and Urban Subcultures; Organization and the Problematic of  Work; “The graduate” 2011 Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca.

Editorial Board: lecturer Marinela Şimon, PhD; lecturer Diana Bódi, PhD; junior teaching assistant Victor Briciu


COLOCVIUL Internaţional de Ştiinţe Sociale ACUM 2010, Braşov, 4-5 noiembrie 2010: Teritorii şi hărţi de cunoaştere. Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov. 2010, vol.4, nr.1, 2. ISSN 1844-5667

Note: The papers were grouped into the following sections: social theory, epistemology, social methodology; recent researches in the field of sociology and communication sciences; experiences and interventions in the area of community development and social care; début of the graduate-researcher.

Editorial Board: lecturer Marinela Şimon; junior teaching assistant Ioana Atudorei


COLOCVIULInternaţional de Ştiinţe Sociale ACUM 2009, Braşov, 26th-28th of November 2009. Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov. 2009, [vol.3]. ISSN1844-5667

Note: The published papers were grouped into the following sections: social theory, epistemology, social methodology; recent researches in the field of sociology and communication sciences; challenges in the area of social care; today’sschool.

Editorial Board: junior teaching assistant Andreea Mardache; teaching assistant Ada Dobrescu; junior teaching assistant Victor Briciu


COLOCVIUL Internaţional de Ştiinţe Sociale ACUM 2008, Braşov, 27th-29th of November 2008. Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov. 2008, [vol.2]. ISSN 1844-5667

Note: The published papers were grouped into the following sections: mass-media, cultureand communication; good practices in social care; social practices and community development; management of social institutions and organizations; recent social research.

Editorial Board: teaching assistant Andreea Sava; teaching assistant Ada Dobrescu


COLOCVIUL Internaţional de Ştiinţe Sociale ACUM 2007, Braşov, 29th of November -1st of December 2007. Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov. 2007, [vol.1]. ISSN1844-5667

Note: It changes into serial publication and is assigned ISSN. The published papers were grouped into the following sections: mass-media, communication and publicrelations, good practices in social care, life quality, social policies andcommunity development, recent social researches.


COLOCVIUL Internaţional de Ştiinţe Sociale ACUM 2006, Braşov, 23rd-25th of November 2006. Braşov: Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, 2006. 515 p. ISBN 978-973-635-862-3