Scholarships, financing, awards


At Transilvania University of Braşov (UNITBV), scholarships for university internships are granted in order to support international mobility carried out by Romanian and foreign doctoral students enrolled in full-time education, regardless of the type of financing (from the state budget or tuition-based).

The duration of the external mobility is of 1 week minimum and 3 months maximum / doctoral cycle. 1st year doctoral students will carry out the mobility only in the second semester of the academic year, while 3rd year doctoral students (respectively 4th year doctoral students from the field of Medicine) must complete the mobility by September 30th of said academic year.  

The value of the scholarships is established dependent on the distance up to the place of the mobility, as follows:
▪ 300 lei x no. of days + 1200 lei, for a distance between 100-499 km;
▪ 300 lei x no. of days + 1700 lei, for a distance between 500-1999 km;
▪ 300 lei x no. of days + 2200 lei, for a distance between 2000-2999 km;
▪ 300 lei x no. of days + 2700 lei, for a distance between 3000-3999 km;
▪ 300 lei x no. of days + 4500 lei, for a distance between 4000-7999 km;
▪ 300 lei x no. of days + 8000 lei, for a distance of more than 8000 km. 

The evaluation of applications will focus on the relevance of the activities proposed for international mobility in order to achieve the purpose of the scholarship (50%) and the scientific research activity of the candidate in connection with the topic of the doctoral programme (50%). 

The application file (in Romanian or English) for obtaining the scholarship will be submitted to SDI and will consist of:

  • application for registering in the competition for obtaining the scholarship;
  • curriculum vitae; 
  • list of publications in connection with the topic of the doctoral programme;
  • description of activities proposed within the doctoral stage (1 A4 page, maximum);
  • proof of acceptance of the mobility by the host institution (the host university may also be a university from the country of origin, in what concerns foreign doctoral students);
  • written consent of the doctoral supervisor.

Upon returning from mobility, the doctoral student must present a document from the host institution certifying the completion of the internship (including the duration).

Please see HERE the instruction on granting the scholarships for research internships abroad.


Conferences with volume which is ISI/Clarivate Analytics-indexed: granting of RON 1000/year for eligible expenses in view of participating in scientific conferences whose volume is ISI Proceedings-indexed (Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics). The amount is granted to only one author/article, for the articles published or accepted for publication.

- Publication fees for articles in ISI/Clarivate Analytics journals: payment of afferent fees to authors from our university for publishing articles in ISI/Clarivate Analytics journals.


- ISI/Clarivate Analytics awards: granting of RON 4000/AIS unit for articles published in ISI WoS (Clarivate Analytics)-indexed journals with AIS > 0.1. The amount is granted cumulatively, for all authors from the university.

Project awards: the allocation of the following amounts for project proposals that obtained in the PNCD and H2020/Horizon Europe competitions at least 75% of the maximum score of the competition: RON 1,500 for proposals in which the university is the coordinator and RON 500 for proposals in which the university is a partner.

- Training for doctoral students: financial support within the limit of EUR 2,000 for doctoral students who participate in professional training or specialization internships. Doctoral students beneficiaries of this programme have the obligation to publish/have the acceptance for publication, until the date of defence of the thesis, of an ISI WoS/Clarivate Analytics article with impact factor, as lead author. Articles published by MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute will not be taken into account.

The financial support is allocated only once during the doctoral programme stage.

Complete information on financing and awards can be found in HCA 2 (2, 3)/2024