UNITBV - the third consecutive year with a Romanian university’s highest jump in CWUR 2023
15 May 2023
It is the third consecutive year for Transilvania University of Brașov to mark a Romanian university’s highest jump in the Center for World University Ranking (CWUR). The top includes the best 2,000 universities out of 20,531 higher-education institutions around the world; and, this year, Transilvania University of Brașov is ranked 1.458, that is, 72 positions higher than last year.
If, three years ago, there were 11 Romanian universities in the CWUR ranking, this year only 9 are included. Among these, only three succeeded in climbing within the international ranking – Transilvania University of Brașov and the Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest and Cluj Napoca.
The CWUR 2023 ranking published today takes into account four performance indicators - quality of education, prestige of graduates, quality of academic teaching personnel and research performance.
The CWUR top is led by three universities in the United States of America: Harvard, MIT and Stanford, followed by two other universities in the UK: Cambridge and Oxford.
See the full list here: http://cwur.org/2023.php