Christmas Concert - The Faculty of Music
20 December 2022, starting at 6:30 p.m., Patria Concert Hall
We have the special pleasure of inviting you to the Christmas Concert given by the Faculty of Music of Transilvania University of Brașov, which will feature carols and traditional songs.
The concert programme includes:
- The Symphony Orchestra and the Choir of the Faculty of Music
Soloist: Diana Logofătu
Class of Prof. dr. Cristina Soreanu
Assist. Lect. dr. Noemi Karacsony
- The Folk Music Band and the Traditional Ensemble of the Faculty of Music
- The Children’s Choir – Waldorf School
Orchestra conductor: Traian Ichim
Choir conductor: Dragoș Cohal
Conductor of the Folk Music Band and Traditional Ensemble: Ionuț Coșarcă and George Muraru
You are kindly welcome!