UNITA Photo Contest
Photo submission time-limit: 31 May 2025
UNITA photo contest offers the members of all UNITA universities the opportunity to share their experiences and visions about the European identity and citizenship. In this year’s competition, the photographs themed on European diversity and European cultural heritage will be particularly valued. The photos will be selected by the jury based on their artistic relevance and their connection to the aforementioned theme. The winning photograph will be granted 150 euros. Moreover, the prize-winning pictures will benefit from visibility: UNITA will display them within several marketing initiatives such as: websites, social media, advertisements, each university’s electronic bulletins, e-newsletters, brochures of the programmes, exhibitions, and more. The author will be systematically credited for his achievement.
The UNITA photo contest is open to all students, academic teaching personnel, research scientists and administrative staff within the UNITA universities. The photographs must be taken or produced by the very person submitting them, be original and must not have been previously displayed or submitted to any other contest. Each participant may register only once, either with a single work of art or with a photographic essay/series of photos (maximum 7 images related to each other).
In your email, you should include the following:
- Your full name
- Location of the image
- A brief sentence by the artist stating that the photo is an original piece of work and the fruit of his/her own work.
- You will also need to include this declaration in the body of your email: “I _(type your full name here)give permission for UNITA to use my photographs for promotional purposes in print and web materials online. The identifiable individuals in the images must provide their written consent before your submitting the photograph.
You can enter the contest with either a single image or a photographic essay/photo series (maximum 7 images that are related to each other). For both options (single image or series), the technical requirements for the images are the same:
- File format: JPEG
- Maximum file size: 10 MB
- Longest side length: 2000 px
- File resolution: 72 dpi
- The file should be renamed (for SINGLE IMAGE): TransilvaniaUniversityofBrasov_surname_first name_ title of the photograph.jpeg… for example: UNITBV_Ion_Popescu_EuropeanCitizen.jpeg
- The file should be renamed (for SERIES): TransilvaniaUniversityofBrasov _surname_first name_ 01title.jpeg… TransilvaniaUniversityofBrasov_surname_first name_ 02title.jpeg… etc.
Please send your applications to the email address: unita@unitbv.ro. Time limit for submitting the materials: 31 May 2025. The photos received after the time limit or deemed inappropriate will not be considered.
The full contest regulations are available HERE.