3rd International Conference for Doctoral Students – IPC 2017

Call for Papers
June 22-23, 2017
Braşov, Romania
The 3rd edition of IPC will be held in Braşov, Romania, on the 22nd & 23rd of June, 2017. The conference is organized by the Doctoral Institutes from Transilvania University of Braşov & Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. The purpose of the conference is to provide PhD students the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas and opinions regarding their current and ongoing research, as well as to disseminate to the academic community their most recent and innovative contributions to scientific development in the corresponding research areas.
The number of papers as first author is limited at 2(two). The official language of the conference is English (Romanian/French/German language could be used for those papers from the Humanities - Philology field that address specific subjects). Keynote presentations and parallel sessions are planned during the conference.
- PhD students are invited to send papers in the following topics:
- Engineering Sciences
- Mathematics & Informatics
- Humanities
- Juridical Sciences
- Economic Sciences
- Performing Arts
- Medicine
- Theology
- Sport & Physical Education Science
- Creativity & Innovation
The papers will be subject of peer review, and those accepted and presented at the conference will be published in scientific journals from UTBv and ULBS, which are indexed by international bibliographic databases (e.g. EBSCO, SCOPUS).
Other information regarding publication, paper template, and submission can be found on the conference website: http://ipc.unitbv.ro
The conference fee is 50 €, and it includes: publication of the paper(s), access to all conference sections, conference bag, coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner, and social activities (will be detailed in the conference program).
- 30.04.2017: full-paper submission (the templates for the
conference sections are posted on the journals websites, which
are accessible from the Topics area on the conference website) - 03.06.2017: notification on paper acceptance
- 13.06.2017: registration and fee payment
- 15.06.2017: issuance of the final program
- Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN, PhD - Rector, UTBv
- Ioan BONDREA, PhD - Rector, ULBS
- Cătălin ALEXANDRU, PhD - Director of the Council for Doctoral Studies, UTBv
- Claudiu Vasile KIFOR, PhD - Vice-Rector for Scientific Research & Doctoral Studies, ULBS
For more information about IPC 2017, please visit the conference website: http://ipc.unitbv.ro
Contact persons:
Camelia ŞCHIOPU, PhD Student Transilvania Universiy of Braşov
29 Eroilor Bvd., 500036 Braşov, Romania
E-mail: camelia.s@unitbv.ro
Andreea RAULEA, PhD Student Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
10 Victoriei Bvd., 550024 Sibiu, Romania
E-mail: andreea.raulea@ulbsibiu.ro