Șef lucrări
Departamentul de specialitati Medicale si Chirurgicale
Facultatea de Medicină
Nicolae Balcescu 56, Brașov, Romania
Phone /Fax +4 0268 412185
Interese de cercetare:
- stres oxidativ/AVC
- scleroza multiplă Publicații (selecție)
Publicații (selecție)
- Varga I, Pascu I. Influence of treatment with statins versus omega-3 fatty acids on inflammatory and oxidative status in patients with ischemic stroke, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series VI – Medical Sciences 2012; 5: 21-28
- Varga I, Ionescu I, Variation of total antioxidant status after ischemic stroke. Romanian Journal of Neurology 2011; X (4): 183-187.
- Varga I., Ionescu I., Pascu I, Assessment of oxidative stress in patients with acute ischemic stroke, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series VI: Medical Sciences • Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 – 2011, 43-48.
- • Dima L., Bălan A, Moga, A.M., Dinu C.G., Dimienescu O.G., Varga I., Neculau A.E , Botulinum toxin- a valuable prophylactic agent for migraines and a possible future option for the prevention of hormonal variations-triggered migraines,. Toxins (Base) 2019 Aug 8;11(8):465