BALTEȘ Liana Sanda

Departamentul Ingineria materialelor și sudură
Facultatea de Știința și ingineria materialelor


B-dul/Str. Universității nr. 1 Brașov, Romania
Corp G, sala GP13
Tel./Fax: +40 268 471626

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • materiale compozite polimerice
  • materiale ceramice glazurate
  • reciclarea poliolefinelor

Publicații (selecție)

  • Baltes L., Costiuc L., Patachia S., Tierean M., Differential Scanning Calorimetry a powerful tool for the determination of morphological features of the recycled polypropylene, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 138, Issue4, p. 2399-2408, 2019, WOS:000499703500004
  • Baltes L., Patachia S., Tierean M., Ekincioglu O., Ozkul H.M., Photoactive polymer-cement composites for tannins removal from waste waters, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, WOS:000444046700062
  • Baltes L., Patachia S., Tierean M., Ekincioglu O., Ozkul H. M., Photoactive glazed polymer-cement composite, Applied Surface Science, 438 (2018), p. 84-95, WOS:000425731200011
  • Croitoru C., Patachia S., Papancea A., Baltes L., Tierean M., Glass fibres reinforced polyester composites degradation monitoring by surface analysis, Applied Surface Science, 358 (2015), p. 518–524, WOS:000366220500003
  • Baltes, L.S., Tierean, M.H., Patachia, S., Investigation on the friction coefficient of the composite materials obtained from plastics wastes and cellulosic fibres, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 15, No. 7- 8, July – August 2013, p. 785 – 790, WOS:000323397900033