FORIS Tiberiu

Departamentul Management și informatică economică
Facultatea de Științe economice și administrarea afacerilor
Str. Universității, Brașov, Romania
Corp A, sala III5
Tel./Fax: +40 268 419304
Interese de cercetare:
- Managementul resurselor umane
- Management comparat/internațional
- Managementul proiectelor cu finanțare europeană
- Foris, D.,Florescu, A.,Foris, T., Barabas, S. (2020). Improving the Management of Tourist Destinations: A New Approach to Strategic Management at the DMO Level by Integrating Lean Techniques. Sustainability, 12 (23), 10201. ISSN 2071-1050
- Foris, D., Tecau, A.S., Hartescu, M., Foris, T. (2020)Relevance of the features regarding the performance of booking websites, Tourism Economics, Volume 26, Issue 6, pp. 1021-1041. ISSN: 1354-8166, Online ISSN: 2044-0375
- Vută, D.R., Nichifor, E., Tierean,O.M., Zamfirache, A., Chitu, I.B., Foris, T., Brătucu, G. (2022).Extending the Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Knowledge through Cybersecurity. ELECTRONICS,11(14), 2223. ISSN 2079-9292
- Dragomir, C., Foris, T. (2022). The Collaborative Approach to Sustainability: A Model of Commissioning System Intervention in Supporting Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships from National to Global Levels, Sustainability 14 (3), Article Number: 1536, ISSN: 2071-1050
- Foris, T., Tecău, A., Dragomir, C., Foriș, D. (2022). The Start-Up Manager in Times of Crisis. Challenges and Solutions for Increasing the Resilience of Companies and Sustainable Reconstruction, Sustainability,Volume 14, Issue 15, Article Number: 9140, ISSN: 2071-1050