Departamentul de Finanțe, Contabilitate și Teorie Economică
Facultatea de Științe Economice și Administrarea Afacerilor


Str. Universității nr. 1, Brașov, România
Corp A, sala AIII4
Tel./Fax: +40 268 414868

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • contabilitate,
  • istoria raportării financiare,
  • raportare financiară conform IFRS,
  • raportare integrată,
  • audit financiar

Publicații (selecție)

  • Lapteș, R., & Sofian, I. (2016). A new Dimension of Entities’ Financial Reporting: Integrated Reporting. Bulletin of the Transylvania University of Brasov Series V: Economic Sciences, Vol. 9 (58), no. 2, 2065-2194
  • Lapteș, R., & Sofian, I. (2015). Dimensions of Financial Audit in Romania and Spain. Bulletin of the Transylvania University of Brasov, Series V: Economic Sciences, Vol. 8 (57), no. 2, 2065-2194
  • Lapteș, R., & Popa, A.F. (2015). Milestones in the Accounting Evolution. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2247-6245
  • Lapteș, R., & Popa, A.F. (2013). The Dynamics Of The Romanian Financial Reporting. Scientific Annals of the "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of Iasi - Economic Sciences Section, Vol. 60, no. 1, 2068-8717
  • Lapteș, R., & Popa, A.F. (2012). The Advantages and the Limits of Implementing the Simplified Accounting System in Romania. Scientific Annals of the "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of Iasi - Economic Sciences Section, 2068-8717.