Departamentul: Management și Informatică Economică
Facultatea: Științe Economice și Administrarea Afacerilor
Str. Universității nr. 1 Brașov, România
Corp A, sala A I 2
Tel./Fax: +40 268 473538
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- comerț electronic,
- sisteme informatice pentru asistarea deciziei,
- analize de date
- cybermarketing
Publicații (selecție)
- Lixăndroiu, R.; Cazan, A.-M.; Maican, C.I.(2021)An Analysi s of the Impact of Personality Traits towards Augmented Reality in Online Shopping,Symmetry, ISSN 2073-8994, 13, 416, pag. 1-18, 3030416, Factor de impact 2,645, AIS 0,303, Q3
- Maican, ; Cazan, A. M.; Lixăndroiu, R.; Dovleac, L. (201 9)A study on academic staff personality and technology acceptance: The case of communication and collaboration applications. Computers &Education,ISSN: 0360-1 315,1 28, pag. 113–1 31, WOS:000451 939200009, 016/j.compedu.201 8.09. 010, F actor de impact5,296, AIS 1,087, Q1
- Maican, ; Lixăndroiu, R.; Constantin, C. (201 6) –A study o f a gamification framework using zero-cost tools. Computers in Human Behavior,ISSN: 0747-5632,Volu me 61,August 2016,pag. 186-197, 016/j.chb.2016.03.023,WOS:000377726400019,Factor de impact5, 003, AIS 1,146, Q2
- Maican, ; Lixăndroiu, R.(2016)A s ystem architecture based on open source enterprise content management systems for supporting educational institutions. International Journal of Information Management,ISSN: 0268-401 2, Volume 36, Issue 2, April 2016, Pages 207-21 4, 016/j.ijinfomgt.201 5.11.003,WOS:000369204000003,Factor de impact8, 210, AIS 1,049, Q1
- Brătucu, G.; Lixăndroiu, R.C.; Constantin, C.P.; Tecău, A.S.; Chițu, I.B.; Trifan, A. (2020) Entrepreneurial University: Catalyst for Regional Sustainable Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1 050, 1 2, 41 51, pag. 1-17, 2104151,WOS:000543421400209,F actor de impact 2,576, AIS 0, 332, Q3