DAVID Laura Teodora

Conferențiar dr.
Departamentul de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației 
Facultatea de Psihologie și științele educației


Str. Nicolae Bălcescu nr. 56, Brașov, România
Corp K, sala KI 8
Tel./Fax: +40 268 416184
E-mail: lauradavid@unitbv.ro

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • Psihologie clinică
  • Psihodiagnostic
  • Psihologia creativității

Publicații (selecție):

  • David, L.T., Tompa, A. (2018). Are gender stereotypes still recognized in young Children of new generation? Journal Plus Education, 21, Special Issue., pp. 109-116.
  • Tața, A., David L.T. (2017). Clinical And Sociodemographic Characteristics In Patients With Diabetes And The Relation With Their Perceived Quality Of Life. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Special Issue, 10 (59),  No. 2, 143-148.
  • Pastor, B. David, L.T. (2017). Relationship Between Creativity, Intelligence And Academic Achievement Amongst Primary Education Students. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Special Issue, 10 (59),  No. 2, 123-132.David, L.T. (2012).
  • Training effects on mental rotation, spatial orientation and spatial visualization depending on the initial level of spatial abilities. Procedia – Social and behavioral Sciences, 33, 328-332.
  • David, L.T. (2012). Training of spatial abilities through computer games – results on the relation between game’s task and psychological measures that are used. Procedia – Social and behavioral Sciences, 33, 323-327.