NEAGU Mircea

Departamentul de Matematică şi Informatică
Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică
B-dul Iuliu Maniu nr. 50, Brașov, Romania
Corp P, sala PP3
Tel. +40 268 414016
Interese de cercetare:
- geometria Riemann-Lagrange a spațiilor de 1-jeturi
- geometria Riemann-Hamilton a spațiilor de 1-jeturi duale
Publicații (selecție):
- Neagu, M. (2005). Riemann-Lagrange Geometry on 1-Jet Spaces, Matrix Rom, Bucharest.
- Balan, V. & Neagu, M. (2011). Jet Single-Time Lagrange Geometry and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
- Atanasiu, Gh., Neagu, M. & Oană, A. (2013). The Geometry of Jet Multi-Time Lagrange and Hamilton Spaces. Applications in Theoretical Physics, Fair Partners, Bucharest.
- Veko, O.V., Ovsiyuk, E.M., Oană, A., Neagu, M., Balan, V. & Red’kov, V.M. (2015). Spinor Structures in Geometry and Physics, Nova Publishers, New York.
- Neagu, M. & Oană, A. (2022). Dual Jet Geometrization for Time-Dependent Hamiltonians and Applications, Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics & Statistics. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.