Lector doctor
Departamentul de Lingvistică teoretică și aplicată
Facultatea de Litere
B-dul Eroilor nr. 25, Brașov, Romania
Corp T, sala TP7
Tel./Fax: +40 268 474059
E-mail: mvp@unitbv.ro
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- Limba engleză
- 2014 – Mihaela Popescu, ”Knowledge Modelling and Terminology Studies in the Field of Engineering” in WSEAS The 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education COSUE ’14, Cambridge, MA, USA, January 29-31 2014.
- 2013 – Mihaela Popescu, “The Metaphor – a World-View in Terminology”, in The 12th International Conference Challenges in Higher Education and Research, Sozopol June 2013..
- 2013 – Mihaela Popescu, “Translation Studies, Terminology and Crowdsourcing” in The 11th International Conference Challenges in Higher Education and Research, Sozopol June 2013