Departamentul de Prelucrare a lemnului şi designul produselor din lemn
Facultatea de Design de mobilier și inginerie a lemnului


Str. Universităţii nr.1, Brașov, Romania
Corp L 

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • metrologia suprafetelor din lemn (calitatea suprafetelor)
  • proprietăți ale lemnului

Publicații (selecţie):

  • Gurau L.(2022). Testing the Processing-Induced Roughness of Sanded Wood Surfaces Separated from Wood Anatomical Structure. Forests. 2022; 13(2):331. 
  • Gurau L, Irle M., Buchner J. (2019). The surface roughness of heat treated and untreated beech (Fagus sylvatical.) wood after sanding. BioResources14(2): 4512-4531. 
  • Gurau, L., Petru, A. (2018). The influence of CO2laser beam power output and scanning speed on surface quality of Norway maple (Acer platanoides),BioResources. 13(4): 8168-8183, ISSN: 1930-2126, DOI:10.15376/biores.13.4.8168-8183
  • Gurau L, Irle M. (2017). Surface Roughness Evaluation Methods for Wood Products: a Review. Current Forestry Reports3(2): 119-131. Wood Structure and Function (S Hiziroglu, section editor). e-ISSN 2198-6436. DOI 10.1007/s40725-017-0053-4. 
  • Gurau L, Irle M., Campean M, Ispas M, Buchner J. (2017). Surface quality of planed beech wood (Fagus sylvaticaL) thermally treated for different durations of time. BioResources12(2): 4283-4301, ISSN: 1930-2126; DOI:10.15376/biores.12.2.4283-4301.
  • Gurau, L, Timar, M.C., Porojan, M., Ioras, F. (2013). Image processing method as a supporting tool for wood species identification. Wood and Fibre Science, July 2013, 45(3), p.1-11
  • Gurau, L., Mansfield-Williams, H. ,Irle, M. (2005). Processing Roughness of Sanded Wood Surfaces. Holz als Roh und Werkstoff. 63(1) February. 2005, pp.43-52, DOI 10.1007/s00107-004-0524-8