Conferențiar dr. ing.
Departamentul Prelucrarea lemnului și designul produselor din lemn
Facultatea de Design de mobilier și inginerie a lemnului


Str Universității 1, Brașov 500068, Romania
Corp L, sala L II 8
E-mail: zoctavia@unitbv.ro

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • materiale compozite
  • tehnologia cherestelei
  • emisia de formaldehidă din materiale compozite din lemn

Publicații (selecție)

  • Zeleniuc, O.; Coșereanu, C. (2022). Effect of Variable Conditions of Exposure on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Blockboards. Appl.  Sci.12(2), 609. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12020609.
  • Brandstetter, M., Zeleniuc, O., Pei, G., and Campean, M. (2020). Conversion efficiency of fir roundwood into sawlogs, BioResources 15(3), 5653-5665. 
  • Zeleniuc, O., Brenci, L.-M., Cosereanu, C., and Fotin, A. (2019). Influence of adhesive type and content on the properties of particleboard made from sunflower husks. BioResources 14(3), 7316-7331.
  • Brenci, L-M., Cosereanu, C., Zeleniuc, O., Georgescu, S., Fotin, A. (2018). Thermal Conductivity of Wood with ABS Waste Core Sandwich Composites Subject to Various Core Modifications. Bioresources  13(1), 555-568, ISSN: 1930-2126.
  • Zeleniuc, O. (2015). Considerations on the role of forest and wood products on global warming. In Proceedings of the Biennial International Symposium Forest and Sustainable Development. Transilvania University Press 2015, 275-280, ISSN 1843-505X. 
  • Zeleniuc, O. (2014). Effect of beech log diameter on the band saw capacity and sawmill production. Revista de Silvicultură şi Cinegetică, Anul XIX, 35, 50-54, ISSN 1583-2112, ISSN 2284-7936.
  • Zeleniuc, O., Beldean, E. (2013). Formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels an environmental issue. Pro Ligno  9(4), 498-503, online ISSN 2069-7430, ISSN-L 1841-4737.