BALAȘ Monica

Șef lucrări
Departamentul de Design de produs, mecatronică și mediu
Facultatea Design de produs și mediu
B-dul/Str. Universității nr. 1 Brașov, Romania
Corp G, sala GI17
Tel./Fax: +40 268 473113
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- modelare,
- simularea,
- optimizare,
- sisteme mecatronice,
- sisteme mecanice
Publicații (selecție):
- Enescu, M., Alexandru, C., Optimal algorithm for spray pyrolysis deposition of TiO2 film by using an industrial robot. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 4, p. 053126,, 2012, Impact Factor – 1.214.
- Enescu, M., Alexandru, C., Virtual prototyping of the spraying robotic system. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, ISSN: 1582-9596, Vol. 10, Nr. 8, p. 1197-1205, ISSN 1582-9596, 2011, Impact Factor – 1.004.
- Enescu, M., Alexandru, C., Modeling and Simulation of a 6 DOF Robot. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Material Research – ICAMR, In Periodical Advanced Materials Research II, vol. 463-464, p. 1116-1119, ISI Accession Number WOS: 000308114100217, DOI:10.4028/, ISBN 978-3-03785-363-4, ISSN 1022-6680, 2012, indexată ISI.
- Enescu, M., Alexandru, C., Design of the User Interface for a Robotic Spray Pyrolysis System to Deposit Thin Films, In Periodical Applied Mechanics and Materials II, ISSN 1660-9336, p. 194-199, indexată ISI.
- Enescu, M., Alexandru, C., User interface for automatic spray pyrolysis robot programming, 4th International Conference Advanced Composite Materials Engineering – COMAT, vol. 3, p. 717-722, ISBN 978-973-162-3, 2012.