MUȘAT Elena Camelia

Șef lucrări dr. ing.
Departamentul Exploatări Forestiere, Amenajarea Pădurilor și Măsurători Terestre
Facultatea de Silvicultură și exploatări forestiere


Str. Șirul Beethoven nr. 1, Brașov, Romania
Corp S, sala S4
Tel./Fax: +40 268 418 600

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • Studiul muncii;
  • Drumuri forestiere;
  • Utilaje pentru construcții.


  • Iftime, M., Mușat, E.C.*, Ciobanu, V.D., 2019. Analysis of the working accidents recordered during the harvesting of the trees, between 2013 – 2018, for workers of the National Forest Administration, Romsilva, Romania. In: Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol.20(4), pp. 1717-1726.
  • Dumitrașcu; A.E.,  Salca, E.A.*,  Mihail, L.A., Ciobanu,  V.D.,  MUȘAT,  E.C.,  2018.  Inferential Statistics of Quercus Species in Veneer Cutting. In: BioResources, vol. 13(3), pp. 6766-6777.
  • Dumitraşcu, A.E., Muşat, E.C., Dumitraşcu, D.I., Ciobanu, V.D., Salcă, E.A.*, 2017a. Influence of sessile oak log characteristics on the efficiency in veneer cutting. In: BioResources, vol.12(2), pp. 2579-2591.
  • Muşat,  E.C.,  Salcă,  E.A.,  Ciobanu,  V.D.,  Dumitraşcu,  A.E.*,  2017b.  The Influence of Log Defects on the Cutting Yield of Oak Venner. In: BioResources, vol. 12(4), pp.  7917-7930.
  • Muşat, E.-C., Salcă, E.-A.*, Dinulică, F., Ciobanu, V.D., Dumitraşcu, A.-E., 2016a. Evaluation of color variability of oak veneers for sorting. În: BioResources, vol. 11(1), February 2016, pp.573-584.
  • Muşat, E.-C., Apăfăian, A.I, Ignea, G., Ciobanu, D.V., Iordache E., Derczeni, R.A., Spârchez, G., Vasilescu,  M.M.,  Borz,  S.A.*,  2016b.  Time expenditure in  computer aided time studies implemented for hightly mechanized forest equipment. In: Annals of Forest Research, vol.59(1), pp. 129-144.