Departamentul de Design de produs, mecatronică și mediu
Facultatea de Design de produs și mediu
Str. Universității, nr. 1, Brașov, Romania
Corp G, sala GI2
Tel./Fax: + 40 268 473113
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- sisteme de mecanice
- sisteme de orientare
- sisteme solar termice
Publicații (selecție)
- Ciobanu, D., Jaliu, C., (2016). Step Tracking Program for Concentrator Solar Collector, ACME The 7th International Conference on Advanced Concepts on Mechanical Engineering, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 147 (1) , http//
- Ciobanu, D., Visa, I., Duta, A., (2014). Solar thermal collectors outdoor testing in saline environment, Energy Procedia, 48, 707-714, doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.02.082.
- Ciobanu, D., Jaliu, C., Saulescu, R., (2014). Chain Tracking System for Solar Thermal Collector, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 658, 35-40, doi: 10.4028/
- Ciobanu, D., Visa, I., Enescu, M., Duta, A., (2014). Outdoor and indoor testing to increase the efficiency and durability of flat plate solar thermal collectors, 205-219, Ed. Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-09706, ISSN 2352-2534.
- Ciobanu, D., (2011). Conceptual design of a solar thermal system with dish solar collector, Journal Environment Engineering and Management, 10(8), 1087-1095, ISSN 1582-9596.