Departamentul Design de produs, mecatronica şi mediu
Facultatea Design de produs şi mediu
Membru titular Academia de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania- ASTR
B-dul/Str Institutului nr. 10, Brașov, Romania
Corp L7, sala etaj 1
Tel./Fax: +40 268 473 113
Interese de cercetare:
- Sisteme Mecanice Multicorp ( SMM )
- Sisteme de energii regenerabile in mediul construit (SER MC )
- Comunitati durabile
- Visa I., Jaliu C., Duta A., Neagoe M., Comsit M., Ciobanu D., Moldovan M., Burduhos B., Saulescu R., The Role of Mechanisms in Sustainable Energy Systems, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov, 2015( Premiul Academiei Romane in 2017 )
- Visa I. (Ed.), Sustainable Energy in the Built Environment – Steps Towards nZEB, Springer, 2014
- Visa I. (Ed.), The 11th IFToMM Int. Symposium on Science of Mechanisms and Machines, Springer, 2014
- Visa I., Duta A (Ed.)., Nearly Zero Energy Communities, Springer Proceedings in Energy, 2017
- Visa I., Burduhos B., Neagoe M., Moldovan M., Duta A., Comparative analysis of the infield response of five types of photovoltaic modules, Renewable Energy, 95, pg. 178-190, 2016
- Visa I., Duta A., Innovative Solutions for Solar Thermal Systems Implemented in Buildings, Conference on Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment (EENVIRO - YRC), Book Series:Energy Procedia, Vol. 85, Pg. 594-602, 2016
- Visa I., Duta A., Comsit M., Moldovan M., Ciobanu D., Saulescu R., Burduhos B., Design and experimental optimisation of a novel flat plate solar thermal collector with trapezoidal shape for facades integration, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 90, Pg. 432-443, 2015
- Visa I., Moldovan M.D., Comsit M., Duta A., Improving the renewable energy mix in a building toward the nearly zero energy status, Energy and Buildings, 68, Part A, January 2014, Pg. 72–78
- Visa I., Mechanisms in Building Integrated Renewable Energy Systems: Case study – Solar Energy Conversion Systems, The 11th IFToMM International Symposium on Science of Mechanisms and Machines, Springer, 2014, pg. 31-49