Departamentul de Educație fizică și motricitate specială
Facultatea de Educație fizică și sporturi montane


B-dul/Str. Universității nr.1, Brașov, Romania
Corp Q
Tel./Fax: +40 268 474060

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • kinesiologie, recuperare prin kinetoterapie, discipline sportive handbal și schi alpin, comunicare și integrare prin activități sportive.


  • Curițianu I., Cătănescu A., (2017) The Effect of Six-Week TRX Suspension Training on Physical Skills in Female Skier Students, 7th International Conference Edu-World 2016 with the main theme “Education Facing Contemporary World Issues”, November 4th- 5th, Piteşti, România,
  • Curițianu I., Cătănescu A.(2016) Study regarding the development of general and specific motor skills in alpine skiing category U10, Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport, Science, Movement and Health, Vol. XVI, ISSUE 2 Supplement, 2016 September 2016, 16 (2, Supplement): 329-334, The journal is indexed in: Ebsco, SPORTDiscus, Index Copernicus Journal Master List, Doaj Directory Of Open Acces Journals, Caby, Gale Cengace Learning, Cabell’s Directorie
  • Curițianu I., Neamțu M., (2015) An analysis regarding individual and collective tactical actions and efficiency in attack for players operating on wings and pivot positions in Romanian handball team Potaissa Turda – Competitive season 2013-2014, 7th Annual International Conference: Physical Education, Sport and Health, Pitesti, 14th-15th of november 2014, Series publicationtitle: Scientific report Physical Educationand Sport, ISSN:1453-1194, VOLUME 19, art. 40, pp. 176 – 179.
  • Curițianu I., Neamțu M., Balint E., (2014) Analysis in attack of 6m. line players from male handball TEAM Steaua Bucharest in Romanian National League, 5th International Scientific Conference „Achievements and prospects in the field of physical education and sports within the interdisciplinary european education sistem”, 21-22 November, Bacău, România, Book of abstracts, Nr. 4/2014, ISSN 2069-2269, p. 93
  • Curițianu I., Balint E., (2014) Compared Study Concerning The Evolution Of Left Wings, Right Wings And Pivots At Male Handball Teams H.C.M. Constanta And F.C. Barcelona In “Champions League” 2011-2012, The Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences – ELSEVIER ( vol. 116, pag. 3858-3863, ISSN: 18770428 Indexed by Science Direct, Scopus and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).