SIMION Gabriel

Departamentul de Performanță motrică
Facultatea de Educație fizică și sporturi montane
Str. Colina Universității nr. 1 Brașov, Romania
Corp Q, sala QI1
Tel./Fax: +40 268 474060
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- educație - educatie fizică
- performanță în sport
- performanță în fotbal
- Petre, I.M.; Boscoianu, M.; Oancea, B.; Chicomban, M.; Turcu, I.; Simion, G. Analysis of the Physiognomy of Unique Sets in the Maximum Number of Repetitions Strategy—The Case of One-Arm Scott Machine Seated Bicep Curls. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8308.
- Mindrescu, V.; Simion, G.; Turcu, I.; Catuna, C.; Paun, D.G.; Nechita, F. The Multiplicative Effect Interaction between Outdoor Education Activities Based on the Sensory System. Sustainability 2022, 14, 11859.
- SIMION Gabriel - The influence of the development of specific resistance through the game method on the optimization of the defensive phase in the U17 junior football. In: BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV • VOL. 14(63) No. 2 – 2021, SERIES IX - Sciences of Human Kinetics, ISSN 2344 2026 (Print), ISSN-L 2344-2026 (Online), ISSN 2344-2034 (CD-ROM), p. 103-110.
- SIMION Gabriel - The effects of using small-sided games on the development of endurance in elite youth football players (U17). In: BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV • VOL. 13(62) No. 1 – 2020, SERIES IX - Sciences of Human Kinetics, ISSN 2344 2026 (Print), ISSN-L 2344-2026 (Online), ISSN 2344-2034 (CD-ROM), p. 87-92.
- SIMION Gabriel - Constatative study on the level of physical training of U19 junior footballers in Romania. In: BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV • VOL. 13(62) No. 2 – 2020,SERIES IX - Sciences of Human Kinetics, ISSN 2344–2026 (Print), ISSN–L 2344–2026 (Online), ISSN 2344– 2034 (CD-ROM), p. 79-84.
- SIMION Gabriel - Development effectiveness specific resistance exercises on the optimization of technical factors from junior footballers 17-18 years. In: The Annals of University “Dunărea de Jos” Galați, Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, No. 1 - 2013, Galati University Press, p. 159-164.