ZAMFIRA Sorin Constantin

Departamentul Design de produs, mecatronica şi mediu
Facultatea Design de produs şi mediu


Str. Universitatii nr. 1, Brașov, Romania
Corp D, sala DII6
Tel./Fax: +40 268 473113

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • optoelectronică
  • comanda și controlul sistemelor
  • achiziția și prelucrarea semnalelor


  • S. Zamfira, M.Popescu, F. Sava, Fullerene And Nanotubes Based On Arsenic Networks, A Modelling Study, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 4, August 2005, p. 2029 – 2034;
  • S.C. Zamfira, C. Turcu, B.C. Braun and Gheorghe Oltean, Virtual Instrumentation in Mapping the Electrical Conductivity, REV2007 4th International Conference on "Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation" June 25-27, 2007, Porto, Portugal
  • Zamfira Sorin, Dumitriu Adrian, Cadareanu Rodica, Tilt Meter applications with Low Cost Accelerometers, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Challenges In Higher Education And Research In The 21st Century, June 4-7 2008, Published by Heron Press Ltd. Sofia, Bulgaria ISBN 978-954-580-248-5, Vol.6 (Part II), pg. 493-495;
  • Zamfira S, Cretu N, Cadareanu R, Pop M, Hoffman C., Optimization design of the acoustical structures, Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing Automation: Theory, Practice Education" pg. 887-888, 25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria
  • S.C. Zamfira, R. Cădăreanu, M.C. Luculescu, Low Data Rate Wireless Network, REV2011 - Remote Engineering Virtual Instrumentation Proceedings, Brașov, 2011, pg. 415-417.