Departamentul Drept
Facultatea de Drept
B-dul Eroilor nr.25 Brașov, Romania
Corp T, sala TI 16
Tel./Fax: +372.902.454
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- drept administrativ
- drept instituțional al Uniunii Europene
- dreptul muncii
- Manea, L., (2020), The responsibility of teachers for deviations from professional ethics in the regulation of Law No. 1/2011. Practical aspects, Buletinul Universității Transilvania din Brașov, Series VII: Social Sciences, Law, Vol. 13 (62), 2020.
- Manea, L., Epuran, Ghe., (2015), Food Safety - A Constitutive Element of Sectoral Community Policy , In Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov, No.2/2015, ISSN 2066-7701 (Print), ISSN 2066-771X (CD-ROM).
- Manea, L., Epuran, Ghe., (2015), Exploratory research regarding the influence oftv spots on childrens behavior, Conferința GIDNI Târgu Mureş Nr.2/ 2015
- Manea, L., (2015), The label of organic products - means of promoting. European and national regulatory framework , Conferința Neefood Universitatea Transilvania Brașov, iunie 2015
- Manea, L., (2016), The european legislation on food sales and the strategies of local producers to promote food sale, Conferința GIDNI Târgu Mureş Nr.3/ 2016