Departamentul Drept
Facultatea de Drept
B-dul Eroilor nr.25 Brașov, Romania
Corp T, sala TI 16
Tel./Fax: +372.902.454
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- drept constituțional și instituții politice
- drept instituțional al Uniunii Europene
- drept administrativ
- teoria generală a dreptului
- Șaramet, O. (2017). Some considerations on the right to health - one of man’s fundamental rights. In Conference Paper – Supplement of Valahia University of Law Study, International Conference “Knowledge – Based Society – Norms, values, and contemporary landmarks”, 13 edition, 2-3 iunie 2017, Universitatea Valahia din Târgovişte.
- Șaramet, O. (2020). Public Interest: Challenges and Possibilities in Identifying the Content of this Notion, in Current Issues in Administrative Law, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Șaramet, O. (2020). The right to protection to health or the right to health? – constitutional approaches, in A Journal of Social and Legal Studies, vol. VII (LXXI) Issue 1.
- Șaramet, O. (2019). Theoretical and practical aspects regarding good governance, in Valahia University Law Study.
- Șaramet, O. (2019). The Motivation of Public Administration Authority Acts - A Dimension of the Right to be Informed, in Jus et Civitas – A Journal of Social and Legal Studies, vol. VI (LXX) Issue 1.
- Șaramet, O. (2019). The right to good administration – is the constitutional regulation necessary?, in Law Review, Special issue, Decembre 2019.
- Șaramet, O. (2016). Juridical dimension of freedom religious beliefs. VALAHIA UNIVERSITY LAW STUDY; 1584-4056.
- Șaramet, O. (2015). The institutional balance - basic principle of the European Union's institutional system. În Revista Română de Drept European – Supliment - Conferința Internațională „Probleme actuale ale spațiului politico-juridic al UE”, ediția a II-a, 30 octombrie 2015, București, Editura Wolters Kluver, București.