MOTOC Dana Luca

Departamentul Autovehicule și transporturi
Facultatea de Inginerie mecanică
Str. Postăvarului nr. 2, Brașov, Romania
Corp N, sala NP9
Tel.: +40 268 413000 int. 173
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- dezvoltare/sinteză materiale avansate, hibride/compozite
- testarea și analiza materialelor - proprietăți mecanice/termice/electrice/optice
- tehnologii de fabricare
Publicații (selecție)
- Dreyer, C., Motoc, D.L., Koehler, M., Goldenberg, L. (2023). UV LED curable perfluoropolyether (PFPE)-urethane methacrylate transparent coatings for photonic applications: synthesis and characterization. Polymers. 15(14): 2983-98.
- Motoc, D.L., Ferri, J.M., Ferrandiz-Bou, S., Garcia, D., Balart, R. (2021). Dynamic-mechanical and decomposition properties of flax/basalt hybird laminates based on an epoxidized linseed oil polymer. Polymers. 13(4): 479-90.
- Pavon, C., Aldas, M., Samper, M.D., Motoc, D.L., Ferrandiz, S., Lopez-martinez, J. (2022). Mechanical, dynamic-mechanical, thermal and decomposition behaviour of 3D-printed PLA reinforced with CaCO3 fillers from natural resources. Polymers. 14(13):2646-60.
- Motoc, D.L., Bou, S.F., & Balart, R. (2018).Thermal properties comparison of hybrid CF/FF and BF/FF cyanate ester-based composites. J Therm Anal Calorim.133(1):509-18.
- Motoc, D.L., Bou, S.F., & Balart, R. (2015). Effects of fibre orientation and content on the mechanical, dynamic mechanical and thermal expansion properties of multi-layered glass/carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composites. J Compos Mater. 49(10):1211-21.