Șef lucrări universitar
Departamentul de Inginerie Mecanică
Facultatea de Inginerie mecanică


Str. Politehnicii nr.1, Brașov, Romania
Corp N, sala NP1
Tel: +40 268 474 761

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • biomecanică și analiza mișcării
  • sisteme multicorp
  • materiale compozite


Publicații (selecție)

  • M.V. Munteanu, M. Mihălcică, C. Itu, S. Vlase, M.L. Scutaru, Mechanical design of interaction chamber for the ELIADE array at ELI-NP, AIP Advances, Vol 10, nr. 2, AIP Publishing LLC, pp. 025129, 2020, ISSN 2158-3226, (FI=1.579, SRI =1.060) (publicat on-line),
  • Stanciu M.D., Bucur V., Munteanu M.V., Georgescu S.V., Năstac S.M., Moisture induced deformation in the neck of a classical guitar, in Holzforschung, 2019, Vol 73(4):371-379, ISSN: 1437-434X (FI=2.579, SRI=2.177);
  • A. Modrea, M.V. Munteanu, I. Pruncu, Using the Symmetries in the Civil Engineering. An overview, Procedia Manufacturing 46 (2020) 906–913, 13th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2019, 3–4 October 2019, Targu Mures, Romania,
  • M.V. Munteanu, M.D. Stanciu, S. Vlase, Image Correlation to Predict the Gait Recovery of Patients in the Post-Surgery Period, Procedia Manufacturing 46 (2020) 499–508, 13th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2019, 3–4 October 2019, Targu Mures, Romania,
  • M.V. Munteanu, M.D. Stanciu, I.Ș. Urucu, P.G. DuȚă, Structural analysis of classical guitar during the technological processing, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering - ACME 2018, Materials Science and Engineering, June 07 - 08, 2018, ,