TĂMAȘ Florin-Lucian

Departamentul de Inginerie Civilă
Facultatea de Construcții


Str. Turnului nr.  5, Brașov, Romania
Corp J, sala S1
Tel./Fax: +40 711975623
E-mail:    florin.tamas@unitbv.ro

Descarcă CV

Interese de cercetare:

  • materiale de construcții 
  • tehnologia construcțiilor
  • reabilitarea hidrofugă a construcțiilor


Publicații (selecție)

  • Stanciu, M.D., Draghicescu, H.T., Tamas, F., Terciu, O.M., Mechanical and Rheological Behaviour of Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibres, Polymers 2020, 12, 1402.
  • Danila, A., Tamas, F.L., The thermal field analysis of the rotary kiln for the cement plants by means of the image processing techniques, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 789 012021, 2020.
  • Tămaș, F-L., Moga, L.M., Munteanu, C., Taus, D., Babota, F., The multi-criteria analysis of the waterproof rehabilitation methods of the buildings' infrastructure, The National Technical-Scientific conference (international participation), 16th edition, „Modern technologies for the 3rd millennium”, 23-24 March 2017, Oradea.
  • Babota, F., Iernutan, R., Moga, L., Jumătate, E., Tămaș, F-L., Determining the Optimal Dimensions of Fixed Shadowing Systems in View of Diminishing the Energy Consumption of the Buildings in Romania, The National Technical-Scientific conference (international participation) - the 16th edition - „Modern technologies for the 3rd millennium”, 23-24 March 2017, Oradea.
  • Cobîrzan, N., Kopenetz, L., Voinea, M., Munteanu, C., Balog, A-A., Tămaș, F., Assessment of Cost and Embodied Carbon for Masonry Structures Located in Low and High Seismic Zones, The 10th International Conference Inter-Eng 2016 Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, 6-7 October, Tirgu-Mures.
  • Tămaş, F-L., Modern technology for waterproofing building infrastructure, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, vol. 8 (57) – 2015, Special Issue No. 1, Braşov.