Șef de lucr. dr. ing.
Departamentul de Inginerie Mecanică
Facultatea de Inginerie mecanică
Str. Politehnicii nr.1, Brașov, Romania, 500068
Colina Universității
Tel./Fax: + 0268 474761
Interese de cercetare:
- Mecanica
- Mecanica fluidelor
- Proiectare asistata de calculator
Publicații (selecție)
- Jelenschi, Liviu; Öchsner, Andreas; Scutaru, M.L.; Vlase, Sorin; Marin, Marin. Experimental Study of the Valve Rotation in a Valvetrain Car Engine - Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. Part L, Vol. 236 Issue 10, 2022.
- Liviu Jelenschi, Maria Luminita Scutaru *, Marin Marin, Cofaru. Modeling the Valvetrain of the Car Engine to study the Effects of the Valve Rotation Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(7), 3393.
- Dumitraşcu Dorin, Benea Bogdan, Şoica Adrian, Jelenschi Liviu, Sandu Gabriel, Proiectare asistată de calculator – Pro/Engineer, 2013, ISBN 978-606-19-0176-0.
- Jelenschi, L., "The influence of valve train design parameters on valve rotation movement for a direct acting type", in International Conference Motor Vehicle & Transportation - MVT 2012, Timisoara, 2012.
- Jelenschi, L., Cofaru, C., Sandu, G., "Determining the influence of oil temperature on valve rotation for a direct acting valve train", Annals of the Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering, vol. XI(XXI) 1, pp. 1.50-1.53, 2012.